Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Fusion RE-AM90040 car audio amp

I have a fusion RE-AM90040 amp with has failed to power up, no green or red lights
on further strip down I found resistor R7 in the power switching side of the board had burnt and the epitaxial pnp transistor Q2 next to it has also failed
that's is as far as I have got in troubleshooting the amp
the burnt resistor hasn't gone open circuit just the colour code has been removed it reads around 6.8 ohms but i'm not sure if this is the actual value
I would like to replace these two items first and see if it will power up but not knowing the resistor value I don't want to do more damage if I get it wrong
one side of the R7 is connected to the C leg of the transistor the other side goes to the IC TL494CN PWM Power-Control Circuitry pin 8 then crossing to 11
i,m new to this forum and hoping someone can help
regards greg