Maker Pro
Maker Pro

For Sale Forum

I know the For Sale forum is slow on traffic so it's not a big issue overall... But just the same can there be a policy implemented where the seller has to list a price or at least a price range they are asking for the item?

Just seems silly that a seller post an item without a price leaving potential buyers to follow up with the inevitable "How much do you want?"

It's almost as if the price is a secret patent and thus details can't be given :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd

We need to get the following information, I think

1) Item description
2) item location
3) Willingness or otherwise to ship places
4) Methods of payment
5) Price (and currency).

Of all of those, the last is problematic if someone really has no idea... What should they do then?


Perhaps we could come up with some sort of suggested basic template that members could use for listing an idea, that includes the information listed above? If we pop it in the "PLEASE READ THIS" sticky then most people will see/use it.

They can paste this in to their listing and help themselves with a better chance of selling the item.