Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Fish finder tranducer compatability


David Flew

I'm in the midst of swapping boats. "New" one is clinker, and has an
existing through-hull transducer. No visible markings, and no plug on the
end of the cable.
I've an existing Lowrance X48 complete with transom mount transducer. I'd
prefer not to use the transom mount -it means another hole in the boat -
there are enough of those already. And I'm not going to slip the boat just
to change the transducer. I know from past experience that the signal
firing through the planking is virtually useless.
If I can find another plug for the Lowrance, can I use the existing
transducer? If it doesn't work, will I damage the Lowrance? Any way to
test for compatibility? My multimeter can measure capacitance, for what
that's worth.