here is the question. I did it as
I used Id = Iss (1-Vgs/Vp)^2 (1+lemda(Vds))
used Vgs= 0.7-Id*680
Vds = 18 - Id*6800 -Id*680
after I solved it using wolfarm alpha
gaves me real solution Id=0.05869
but problem is when I try to find Vds and Vgs they are big negative values ,bigger than 18V
there was another complex solutions for Id
how to choose Right Id ???
if it complex what is the value of Id?
I used Id = Iss (1-Vgs/Vp)^2 (1+lemda(Vds))
used Vgs= 0.7-Id*680
Vds = 18 - Id*6800 -Id*680
after I solved it using wolfarm alpha
gaves me real solution Id=0.05869
but problem is when I try to find Vds and Vgs they are big negative values ,bigger than 18V
there was another complex solutions for Id
how to choose Right Id ???
if it complex what is the value of Id?