Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Fake phone exchange.

I need to create a circuit that I can plug a standard phone into that works like an exchange. However it will play back recordings when certain numbers are entered rather than call another phone. It will have a dial tone and the ability to ring on a set time to play back a message. Effectivly a phone simulator I guess.

I've got a good idea of how in going to achieve this. Using a DTMF decoder circuit. An arduino duo and a BT master socket. I will need to figure out a few bits such as how to know when the phone is off the hook etc. This needs to work with and standard DTMF phone.

Any ideas would be handy a's I don't have much experience with phone line standards or circuitry.
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Check out asterix. It's software that can do all of that. You will require a special interface in your PC or one of a number of external boxes (typically with a network connection) in order for you to be able to do all this.