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Maker Pro

Extremely High Voltage, Extremely Low Amperage, 1 watt?


Richard Tobin

A coulomb is about 10 micro-moles of electrons.

6.24150948×10-to-the-power-18 = 6.24150948×1,000,000,000,000,000,000 =



Anyway you're making this far too difficult. watts = volts x amps,
and amps = coulombs / second. A single electron per second is
(1 / 6.2415 x 10^18) amps so you need 6.2415 x 10^18 volts.

-- Richard

How many volts of electricity are required to gain 1 watt of power, if
the current is only 1 electron per second?

Yup, 1 electron per second is an extremely weak amperage.



An electron has a charge of 1.602 x 10 exp-19 Coulombs

The voltage required would be 1 Watt / 1,6 x10 exp-19 Amp = .62 x 10
exp 19 Volts
or 6.2 x 10exp 18 Volts. That's 6,200,000,000,000,000,000 Volts
That's a lotta voltage.

Bob Fritzius

boson boss


How many volts of electricity are required to gain 1 watt of power, if
the current is only 1 electron per second?

Yup, 1 electron per second is an extremely weak amperage.



Well, yeah but is it safe then if its just one electron? Even at high
frequency? And how many protons in one place is that potential?
In sci.physics.electromag Radium said:
If so, would electronic equipment that uses such "air" electricity
[for power, as well as processing, amplifying, attenuating, recording/
playing-back signals] have any advantages over electronic equipment
using today's electricity?

Wel, for example, you could listen to the top ten records of the day if
you could pull this off. Think of it: Just turn a knob, and instantly,
"air electricity" would make your device sing just like Britney Spears!

The Great Attractor

That some sort of joke?

That number is waaay too tiny.

Got to be a joke...

You have to hang out at the bar at the end of the universe to get it.

The Great Attractor

I second that, it would seem second to destroying their brains with
narcotics, sending up the 'establishment' is another source of
gratification. Given a few years this behaviour settles down for most pimply
adolescents :)

You're really full of it. :-]


Well, yeah but is it safe then if its just one electron?

What makes it unsafe?
Even at high
frequency? And how many protons in one place is that potential?

The electricity I am talking about is similar to a stun gun except a
lot more extreme. Electricity from a stun gun can move through air
despite the wattage being significantly less that your average 110V
socket. Most sockets -- whether 110v or 220v -- cannot transmit
electricity via air because the voltage is not high enough to break
through the ohms of air.

A stun gun's wattage is isn't much, however, with its super-high
voltage [around 50,000 volts]; its current can flow through air. The
high-voltage allows those electrons to "cut" through the extreme
resistance of the air.

Think about what 6,200,000,000,000,000,000-volt, 1-watt, electric
current can do. With potential-differences that extreme, we don't need

Even an electric current that's 6,200,000,000,000,000,000 volts and
10^-200 [10-to-the-power-negative-200] watts does not need wires.

At such high voltages, electricity can easily pass through air. Might
do wonders for those who want wireless power.

BTW, you asked about "high frequency." How does that relate?

Eric Gisse

[snip idiocy]

Learn scientific notation, you prolific idiot. Watching a person write
a dozen zeroes is just sad and is a sign they either never graduated
high school or are not there yet.
Proved, however, by the length of this thread. :)


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no simpler."

A. Einstein- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

xxein: Cool. I throw a brick that contacts Einstein's head.
Simple. No questions asked.

Autymn D. C.

[snip idiocy]

Learn scientific notation, you prolific idiot. Watching a person write
a dozen zeroes is just sad and is a sign they either never graduated
high school or are not there yet.

A person is not a they. When are you goun to bring up the junction

The Great Attractor

[snip idiocy]

Learn scientific notation, you prolific idiot. Watching a person write
a dozen zeroes is just sad and is a sign they either never graduated
high school or are not there yet.

A person is not a they. When are you goun to bring up the junction

"goun"?? "resistanse"?? Neither are words, dipshit.

Autymn D. C.

[snip idiocy]
Learn scientific notation, you prolific idiot. Watching a person write
a dozen zeroes is just sad and is a sign they either never graduated
high school or are not there yet.
A person is not a they. When are you goun to bring up the junction

"goun"?? "resistanse"?? Neither are words, dipshit.

Learn how wittun speakts, nitwit. goun is the dative infinitiv or
oblique prospective tense. resistanse is the proper Latin spelling of
the property, where se is the letter|staffr seo|shoe. Nuke English-
speakkr-illiterati like you tom hell.


Phineas T Puddleduck

Autymn D. C. said:
Learn how wittun speakts, nitwit. goun is the dative infinitiv or
oblique prospective tense. resistanse is the proper Latin spelling of
the property, where se is the letter|staffr seo|shoe. Nuke English-
speakkr-illiterati like you tom hell.


Why do you insist that this literal abortion is English? Its totally
discombobulate and predistgraphiates any melingtonological discustretions.....

COOSN-174-07-82116: Official Science Team mascot and alt.astronomy's favourite
poster (from a survey taken of the saucerhead high command).

Sacred keeper of the Hollow Sphere, and the space within the Coffee Boy