Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Evaluating total energy usage from just DC voltage and current

Apologies all round - crossed posts from my end.

Taking one step back - you were using a 'current probe' into a CRO for a 10 second measurement. I guess the probe was a DC + AC unit? and the probe FS was large compared to the current measured? Maybe best to indicate your max dynamic level, and the fastest rate of change (or freq response) of signal which you want to account for.

Using a shunt with good amp that gets you close to CRO FS input will give best use of 8-bit resolution (I agree - I have only come across 8-bit too). Stube40, is 8 bit resolution acceptable - have you done some estimation of what that means? No point adding complexity elsewhere if that is your limiter.

Ciao, Tim

We use Fluke i410 AC/DC current clamps. I will need to do a couple of calculations, but off the top of my head 8-bit feels like it will be inadequate.