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European military and Popular Mechanics

  • Thread starter Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
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Spehro Pefhany

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax:

So what? Before they could even think to reach the US per capita income it
will take decades. But it won't happen, unless, as probable, the US incomes
are going to go below the present ones.

Remember that China's miracle is not a miracle at all, it happened, just to
mention few, in England, during the Industrial revolution, In Italy right
after WW2, in Japan in the 70es, in Spain at the end of the century.

It's just the enormous amount of work that peasants are used to do for
barely survive applied to factories. But China is rapidly depleting his
reservoir of desperates, so the wages are due to rise and efficiency
decrease, maybe even before five years.

Beijing's economic plan is to urbanize an additional 400,000,000
people by 2030... that's an extra 20 MILLION people every year that
are going to need white/blue collar jobs. It's almost like immigration
from another country... but at an absolute rate of about 10x the total
of legal and estimated illegal immgration to the US. I don't think
they will run short of peasants looking for better wages in the cities
in my lifetime, though the quality will likely decrease and wages will
likely increase (perhaps not in a straight line).

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

Beijing's economic plan is to urbanize an additional 400,000,000
people by 2030... that's an extra 20 MILLION people every year that
are going to need white/blue collar jobs. It's almost like immigration
from another country... but at an absolute rate of about 10x the total
of legal and estimated illegal immgration to the US. I don't think
they will run short of peasants looking for better wages in the cities
in my lifetime, though the quality will likely decrease and wages will
likely increase (perhaps not in a straight line).

If their GDP increases at 10% pa for the next decade it will be 250%
larger than it is now, exceeding that of the USA by quite a margin.
Last year, during the worst recession for 70 years, they managed 8.7%.
Forecasts for this year are 9.5% according to the World Bank. China was
trying to hold it to 8%.

F. Bertolazzi

Spehro Pefhany:
I don't think they will run short of peasants looking for better wages in
the cities in my lifetime,

Maybe you're right. I really don't know, but, as more people leave the
countryside for building tractors and producing pesticides and fertilizers,
the better the life in the country will be, so the lesser the urge to

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

We had the M-72 if we really wanted to take something out.

I remember those. IIRC we called them "LAW"s
It always annoys me when they show those on TV progs shooting a rocket
trailing smoke

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

Yes. The 26 ounce, disposable 'Light Antitank Weapon' that could take
out other vehicles, or destroy a machine gun from a safe distance. The
fire out the rear could kill someone for at least 25 feet.

What do you expect from Hollywood liberals? They want you to think
they are not only a dangerous weapon, but that they pollute, too. if
you want smoke, use a thermite grenade. :)

And how come in a nation of gun nuts do we get sparky bullets and quiet
There was only one movie in which the cops actually put in earplugs
before going into a shootout in the mens room. In other movies no amount
of gunfire in enclosed spaces causes any hearing damage :)

Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

Do I really have to explain that one?

Or that one? If so, see my previous message. :)

When do you see anyone hit by a ricochet, other than on a 'CSI' type
program? :(


Spehro Pefhany

Spehro Pefhany:

Maybe you're right. I really don't know, but, as more people leave the
countryside for building tractors and producing pesticides and fertilizers,
the better the life in the country will be, so the lesser the urge to

Well, it's stabilized in the developed world at a few percent of
population. If that is repeated in China, there will be more people
living in Chinese cities than are currently walking the earth in the
middle kingdom (because of natural population growth).