Maker Pro
Maker Pro




If that stupid faggot Phil would have just pulled his useless head in......

Phil Allison said:

** Of course.

** Some here would have a copy of the mag.

Any old-timers out there that can help me with an old 10.525GHz doppler
radar project?
It was published in ETI as the ETI-702 around May 1975 and used the CL8960
module from Philips.
I built the thing way back when and have just found it again in a box of old
electronic bits.
The article from ETI would be much appreciated.

Phil Allison


Any old-timers out there that can help me with an old 10.525GHz doppler
radar project?
It was published in ETI as the ETI-702 around May 1975 and used the CL8960
module from Philips.
I built the thing way back when and have just found it again in a box of
electronic bits.
The article from ETI would be much appreciated.


Give up - you STUPID WANKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nobody posting here has a copy and IF they did would not lift a single
finger to help for a vile **** like you.


..... Phil

Art Vanderlay


** Of course.

** Some here would have a copy of the mag.

Just checked. I have March 89 EA. Pg 100
"New Low Distortion Audio Oscillator - 2 (part 2)
by Phil Allison and Peter Phillips"

This part is the construction details. I checked my library but don't
have the first part (Feb 89)
BTW I also checked my ETI mags but don't have ETI 702 details - sorry.
If so we could have avoided all this arguing.



Art Vanderlay said:
Just checked. I have March 89 EA. Pg 100
"New Low Distortion Audio Oscillator - 2 (part 2)
by Phil Allison and Peter Phillips"

This part is the construction details. I checked my library but don't have the first part (Feb 89)
BTW I also checked my ETI mags but don't have ETI 702 details - sorry.
If so we could have avoided all this arguing.


Thanks, I didn't doubt that the Phuckwit had something to do with the LDO,
even if it was far from an original work.


Phil Allison said:


Give up - you STUPID WANKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nobody posting here has a copy and IF they did would not lift a single finger to help for a vile **** like you.

You are wrong as usual. See Art's post.

Phil Allison

"yaputya is a lying **** "
My choice,

** Staying totally anonymous is obviously because you are a vile psychopath
wanted by the Australian Federal police for child sex crimes.

Same reason you do not want to deal with the folk at Silicon Chip - cos
that would mean giving them you real address.

Got nothing to do with spending a measly $12.

**** off and Die like a Pig !!

You lying, pile of fucking shit CRIMINAL TROLL


Phil Allison said:
Now you get to prove WHO you are, where you are posting from and what you did post university.

You have NOT provided any proof at all, idiot.
You can easily prove if you are lying or not by scanning your UoS examination result notices.

And you should still have them somewhere, dig 'em out, they were
printed on green paper back then. Please don't tell us that you threw
them away, nobody would believe that you threw away the only proof
of at least one year at uni.
Also, what years were you there ?

When were you in your Junior year?
What was your result in Electrical Circuit Theory?
Scan and post your Junior year Examination Result Notice.
So far, you are totally anonymous.
My choice, there are some real psycho fags like you on the net.
So what anyway? Makes no difference if I am Philip Martin Allison
living at 8 Tintern Rd Ashfield Phone 02 9799 8242 or not, does it?

Phil Allison

"yaputya = lying criminal **** "

My choice,

** Staying totally anonymous is obviously because you are a vile psychopath
wanted by the Australian Federal police for child sex crimes.

Same reason you do not want to deal with the folk at Silicon Chip - cos
that would mean giving them you real address.

Got nothing to do with spending a measly $12.

**** off and Die like a Pig !!

You lying, pile of fucking shit CRIMINAL TROLL


You can easily prove if you are lying or not by scanning your UoS examination result notices.

And you should still have them somewhere, dig 'em out, they were
printed on green paper back then. Please don't tell us that you threw
them away, nobody would believe that you threw away the only proof
of at least one year at uni.


You can easily prove if you are lying or not by scanning your UoS examination result notices.

And you should still have them somewhere, dig 'em out, they were
printed on green paper back then. Please don't tell us that you threw
them away, nobody would believe that you threw away the only proof
of at least one year at uni.

Phil Allison

"yaputya is a criminal "

My choice,

** Staying totally anonymous is obviously because you are a vile psychopath
wanted by the Australian Federal police for child sex crimes.

Same reason you do not want to deal with the folk at Silicon Chip - cos
that would mean giving them you real address.

Got nothing to do with spending a measly $12.

**** off and Die like a Pig !!

You lying, pile of fucking shit CRIMINAL TROLL


Is that the best you can do?
No wonder you failed at uni - too bloody stupid for words.
"Paranoid personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia
and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others.
Individuals with this personality disorder may be hypersensitive, easily feel slighted,
and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues
or suggestions that may validate their fears or biases.