Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ESP8266 boot failure


I have problem with my ESP8266 wifi module.

That's my connection:

ESP VCC > 3.3V Arduino
ESP CH_PD > 3.3V Arduino
ESP GND > GND Arduino
ESP UTXD > TX Arduino
ESP URXD > RX Arduino

Baud rate: 115200.

When I power on arduino, red light(power light) on ESP lights up and blue light blinks two times. In terminal im getting "Invalid" not "Ready".

What can I do?

Plese help me.

Thanks :)))
In serial communications the TX has to be connected to RX and vice versa. I believe this will solve your problems. If not, I am sure another forum member will be along shortly to disagree with me.

Hope this helps,


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I think the board you're using may require more current than the regulator on an sink board can supply. Check this and use an external regulator if required.
Lavaguava> thats not problem with serial communication when i swap tx and rx im not getting data in terminal.

(*steve*)> I think you are right. ill try external regulator and ill check again.

Thanks. ;)