50amp's through 20 amp solar controller.
This one is my old solar charge controller.
It was a cloudy week, and I was deep in online gaming. Way out in the bush. 200ah battery was getting a bit low, and I wanted to game late into the night. So I drove the car up to the front door in the morning, left it idling on L.P.gas (Surprisingly cheap way to charge the battery, compared to generator or other motors I had)My ute can spare about 40a for a charge... I plugged it into the wall input for the extra solar panel (which got stolen some time before) Right next to the 10-12A of panel already running. With my "special" lead. Consisting of 240v 3 prong plug at one end, for my wall input, and jumper lead clamps at the other end (yep its real safe
). Strangely it never blew the 20a fuse, or the IGBT pictured. That happened a bit later, just before noon, when the battery was getting fuller, and the controller was diverting a good portion of the power to the heatsink. when the sun came out from behind a cloud.... Just couldn't handle the extra 10a to the heatsink. Took me a week to realize I no longer had overcharge protection, and my (really big 200ah) gel cell was getting up to around 15.8v.... Had been charging it that way at night for some time. Was definitely the 10a from the sun that did it.
Considering it was screwed to a very dry, Australian Cypress wall (ignites easy, burns hot and fast). I was kind of thankful the house didn't catch fire. Looks like it had a fair flame out the side when it went. Shame I was down the back with the chainsaw at the time.
I replaced it with a 30a charge controller, so it wont happen again
I'll get round to ordering a new IGBT one day....