Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Electronics in a hot climate


Phil Allison

"Don Klipstein"
Phil said:

90 C or more is in local hot spots or in "some cases", not general
ambient in those devices.

** Irrelevant.

The ambient temp being alluded to is that experienced by one or more
electros in the units concerned.

For general ambient inside,

** Idiotic sophistry.

Anyone who has done or even read about TV servicing knows how common it is
for set makers to park high power resistors right next to electros. The
local ambient is then very high.

Were there TV sets 70 years ago?

** In the UK since 1936.

It appears to me that we did not have
TV in 1941.

** There WAS something big going on about then.

You pedantic twat.

...... Phil

Don Klipstein

"Don Klipstein"

** Irrelevant.

The ambient temp being alluded to is that experienced by one or more
electros in the units concerned.

One or more out of hundreds of millions? How significant are these
exceptions? Mere knowlede that degree of existence exceeds zero is not
a sign that this is something being dealt with much!
** Idiotic sophistry.

Anyone who has done or even read about TV servicing knows how common it is
for set makers to park high power resistors right next to electros. The
local ambient is then very high.

I have serviced TV sets, and I have trashpicked many more back in the
days when young hobbyists were able to make use of doing that. I have a
lot of experience saying that not that many 'lytics were heated more than
a few degrees above "general internal ambient temperature" by nearby big
resistors, which were mostly 1 or 2 watt ones not being hit with "full
rated power".

My experience with tube amps is not much different - even with 5 watt
cathode resistors.
** In the UK since 1936.

And how many TV sets existed in UK even a decade after that?
** There WAS something big going on about then.

How many TV sets existed then? Was anyone in retail business of
repairing them before 1946?

How about cause of failure in most tube amp repairs? Not many tube amps
are failing or running into need of repair for failure of any of their
'lytics to last 2-plus decades.

Phil Allison

"Don Klipstein"
One or more out of hundreds of millions?

** How fucking absurd.

90C local ambients with electros located in them are fairly common
situations in tube amplifiers - particularly tube guitar amplifiers.

What you ain't seen is not proof of anything.


I have serviced TV sets,

** Blah blah blah.

What you ain't seen is not proof of anything.


My experience with tube amps is not much different - even with 5 watt
cathode resistors.

** Blah blah blah.

What you ain't seen is not proof of anything.


How many TV sets existed then?

** Not relevant to the question YOU posed.

You pedantic, fucking TWAT.

How about cause of failure in most tube amp repairs? Not many tube amps
are failing or running into need of repair for failure of any of their
'lytics to last 2-plus decades.

** My original point WAS that electros have stood up to high ambients in
tube amps and TV sets for many decades.

Read it again - fuckhead"

" How does this bullshitting wanker imagine ordinary electros have been
working inside tube amplifiers and tube TV sets for the last 70 odd years
?? The ambients in some cases are over 90C. "

Now - **** off and die you slimy pile of autistic shit.

...... Phil

Martin Brown

90 C or more is in local hot spots or in "some cases", not general
ambient in those devices. For general ambient inside, figure more like
25-30 degrees C warmer than outside even in TVs consuming 200-300-+ watts,
even less in high power tube amps that put their main heat-makers outside
what encloses most of their components.

Were there TV sets 70 years ago? It appears to me that we did not have
TV in 1941.

You may not have done, but the BBC started broadcasting a Marconi 405
line service in 1936 so presumably there were at least some receivers
then. During WWII they stopped TV transmissions to avoid Alexandra
Palace transmitter providing homing beacons for German bombers.

Early adopters of the rival TV technologoy but inferior mechanical Baird
system must have been narked when their service was discontinued in
1937. Unlike betamax the superior technology won out.

Martin Brown

Phil Allison

"Martin Brown"
You may not have done, but the BBC started broadcasting a Marconi 405 line
service in 1936 so presumably there were at least some receivers then.
During WWII they stopped TV transmissions to avoid Alexandra Palace
transmitter providing homing beacons for German bombers.

** According to the famous 1997 sci-fi movie " Contact " - television
signals of Her Hitler opening the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin were the very
first, high powered VHF transmissions emanating from this planet.

TV addicted aliens all over the Galaxy were hanging on his every word, 30
years or more later .........

Seems uncle Adolf beat the UK 405 line transmissions in November of that
same year by just a couple of months.

Not a such good first impression for our near neighbours, methinks.

..... Phil ;-)
"Martin Brown"

According to
An estimated 19,000 electronic television sets were manufactured in Britain,
and about 1,600 in Germany, before World War II.
About 7,000-8,000 electronic sets were made in the U.S.[104]
before the War Production Board halted manufacture in April 1942,
production resuming in August 1945.

In the viewing area of the 441 line Paris Television in 1943 there was
about 1000 receivers alone.
** According to the famous 1997 sci-fi movie " Contact " - television
signals of Her Hitler opening the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin were the very
first, high powered VHF transmissions emanating from this planet.

TV addicted aliens all over the Galaxy were hanging on his every word, 30
years or more later .........

Seems uncle Adolf beat the UK 405 line transmissions in November of that
same year by just a couple of months.

The Berlin Olympics was transmitted in 180 lines, the 441 line service
started in 1937. The Berlin Olympics was mostly distributed by land
lines to public viewing sites, although a single 10 kW transmitter
existed in Berlin.
Not a such good first impression for our near neighbours, methinks.

The impression has not much improved even with newer TV standards or
newer politicians :)

Phil Allison

<[email protected]
"Phil Allison"
"Martin Brown"

According to
An estimated 19,000 electronic television sets were manufactured in
and about 1,600 in Germany, before World War II.
About 7,000-8,000 electronic sets were made in the U.S.[104]
before the War Production Board halted manufacture in April 1942,
production resuming in August 1945.

In the viewing area of the 441 line Paris Television in 1943 there was
about 1000 receivers alone.
** According to the famous 1997 sci-fi movie " Contact " - television
signals of Her Hitler opening the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin were the
first, high powered VHF transmissions emanating from this planet.

TV addicted aliens all over the Galaxy were hanging on his every word, 30
years or more later .........

Seems uncle Adolf beat the UK 405 line transmissions in November of that
same year by just a couple of months.

The Berlin Olympics was transmitted in 180 lines, the 441 line service
started in 1937. The Berlin Olympics was mostly distributed by land
lines to public viewing sites, although a single 10 kW transmitter
existed in Berlin.
Not a such good first impression for our near neighbours, methinks.

The impression has not much improved even with newer TV standards or
newer politicians :)

** LOL

...... Phil


Same 75% from .5 um upwards for brighter/lemon/canary yellow, same 75%
from .53-.55 um upwards for "school bus yellow" to amber-orange-yellow.

Power spectra is mostly towards the visible end of the IR spectrum -
shorter wavelengths. So, worst case 250W/m^2 is collected by a clean
yellow box.

Assuming a surface temperature rise of between 0.8 to 1.2 degrees per
mW/cm, that looks like a potential additional rise of 20-30degrees on
the surface that is directly exposed at noon, if it cannot be
redistributed over the entire package surface area. That would depend
on box material. Coated with dust, this could double.

Before a first approximation of internal air temperature can be made,
you'd need more info on package shape and mounting orientation, box
material, wall thickness and internal power loss budget.


Phil Allison

"Bill Bowden"

No Phil, **** off and die is a confusing term. Most people don't know
the procedure. The correct term is "Eat Shit and Die" which everybody

** I beg to differ.

The term " FOAD " is well accepted and understood.

In any case, eating shit is not guaranteed to prove fatal.

Sticking one's head in a microwave oven might prove fatal - if the door
interlocks were over-ridden.

So maybe I should try " Go Fry Your Brains Fuckhead"

GFYBF does have a bit of a ring to it......

..... Phil

Phil Allison

I was at a party once where someone microwaved a shit. Nasty! I believe
the microwave was dicarded after this incident.


Makes shit hitting the fan look very tame ....

.... Phil


Bill said:
No Phil, **** off and die is a confusing term. Most people don't know
the procedure. The correct term is "Eat Shit and Die" which everybody

But! Not every one dies!

Seems evident with those that keep coming back!



Dennis said:
I was at a party once where someone microwaved a shit. Nasty! I believe the
microwave was dicarded after this incident.

Damn, that's like cleaning out a well used coffee pot!
