Maker Pro
Maker Pro

electronic load


Are you asking me or @tasty?

If I had more time, I would purchase a handful of MOSFETs and try to duplicate the failure modes seen by @tasty. I have a lot of experience blowing parts up, all from my earlier years as an electronics bench technician. As I became more experienced, I destroyed fewer parts. I haven't had any catastrophic failures for several years now, but there is always the opportunity to smoke a new PIC (my latest obsession), like I thought I did before moving to Florida. It turned out that the "smoke" was just solder flux, and the six-pin PIC worked just fine after I got it soldered to an 8-pin header adapter more suitable for breadboard work. My bad. This particular PIC is also available in a 8-pin DIP package, but the person I was trying to help needed the tiny surface-mount package.

So... one of those "real practical solution" you got from others solved your problem

Are you asking me or @tasty?

If I had more time, I would purchase a handful of MOSFETs and try to duplicate the failure modes seen by @tasty. I have a lot of experience blowing parts up, all from my earlier years as an electronics bench technician. As I became more experienced, I destroyed fewer parts. I haven't had any catastrophic failures for several years now, but there is always the opportunity to smoke a new PIC (my latest obsession), like I thought I did before moving to Florida. It turned out that the "smoke" was just solder flux, and the six-pin PIC worked just fine after I got it soldered to an 8-pin header adapter more suitable for breadboard work. My bad. This particular PIC is also available in a 8-pin DIP package, but the person I was trying to help needed the tiny surface-mount package.

So... one of those "real practical solution" you got from others solved your problem? Which one was it?


Hop - AC8NS
Hi. Re the scope, I was asking Tasty.
Yeah, I probably could have figured that out from the content of this thread, but I just wanted to be sure, since your question was juxtaposed right after a comment I made in post #38.

@tasty has avoided answering any questions that would have required the use of an oscilloscope to find an answer. I have to assume he doesn't have access to an oscilloscope, perhaps does not know how to use one.
since your first post you nerver gave me a real practical solution like others.
This statement is true, because I am reluctant to offer any "solutions" to "problems" that are ill-defined or to which the OP has not applied standard troubleshooting techniques and procedures in a well-defined attempt to solve the problem on their own. If such troubleshooting skills are absent or lacking, it is the responsibility of the original poster to acquire the necessary knowledge somewhere else.

Electronics Point is not a teaching forum. It is a peer-to-peer help forum. We expect posters to have a modicum of knowledge and experience so that a meaningful dialog can ensue. If someone gets a little education as a result of this dialog, that is good but it is not the main purpose of the forum. We help those who help themselves. Throwing parts at a circuit, in the hope that something sticks that solves the OP's problem, is not the usual way we do things here. Of course everyone is free to pursue their own path, and I sincerely hope "the others" gave you a "real practical solution" that led you to your own successful path. It would be a courtesy to those who have tried to help you to inform them of exactly what method, procedure, part, or schematic change solved your problem.