Maker Pro
Maker Pro

EEG Questions: Calculating Resistors/Capacitor Values

Hi all,

I have a couple questions to ask about EEG circuits. I found a cool eeg circuit (website/picture below) which I plan on building using some silver-chloride electrodes. However, I'm not sure on the values of the components.

So first, with the circuit below, how do I calculate the resistor values (Rc,Rg,Re,R1,R2)? Although the website mentions the specific transistors to be used, it doesn't say anything about the value of the resistors.

Next, with the same circuit below, how do I calculate the capacitor/resistor values (unlabeled) in the op-amp part of the circuit? Again, it mentions the type of op-amp but no capacitor/resistor values.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
