Maker Pro
Maker Pro



I followed an eeg schematic diagram on instructables. How do I connect it to the arduino instead of a soundcard?

it's a bit difficult to make recommendations when you have supplied near zero info
would you like to try again ?
If it were me I'd take the output from the left side of R15, via a 2:1 voltage divider comprising two 4k7 resistors.
Incidentally, the sound card usage is questionable, given that some (most?) soundcards have a frequency response which drops off rapidly below 20Hz.
This is not a very good circuit, and is not complete. The circuit is three stages of active filters, a gain stage that drives the output, and a final active filter stage that goes nowhere. His gain and phase plots show that significant amplitude and phase distortions will be added to the original signal. I'm not an EEG whiz, but this seems like a lot of thumping on the signal unless you are tryi8ng to extract one specific feature.

Thee is no reason not to use both sections of the dual opamps (or a quad opamp) instead of only one section in each.

MISSING is the stuff in from of the AD620, the circuit that receives the signals from the sensors. Kinda important stuff.

I followed an eeg schematic diagram on instructables. How do I connect it to the arduino instead of a soundcard?

The Arduino-one has 6 A/D ports. If you place a small values resistor in the series with what you want to measure the current of, then read the value of the voltage generated across the resistor with the Arduino then you have made a crude ammeter.