Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Easy stepper motor circuit for begginers? (Any ideas please)

Hi all, I'm new to the world of electronics and I hope this is not a hopeless question.

I would like to know is it possible to build a control circuit with only 1 x IC? (I have a ne555n IC)

Many Thanks


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
A circuit to drive a stepper motor generally has two significant parts:

1) A driver for the stepper motor

2) A source of control signals.

depending on the controller (which can range from several transistors to something which can handle much of the control logic) you may be able to use the 555 as a signal source. Unfortunately, to do this you'd need a pretty clever controller.