Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Eagle. A better Visio than Visio



Jasen said:
works fine here (ver 3.2.1)

Maybe that's it. I'm at 2.4.1.
PNGs tend to looks dodgy on paper unless you use 600dpi or more
and when you do that it results in big files, and the corresponding

My flowcharts cost about 38 KB in .png and look acceptable.

In 'draft mode', they are a little jaggy. I'll give you that. :)


Frank Buss

Winston said:
I'm creating a multiple - page flowchart to guide me in
firmware development for a little hobby project.

I Really Like Visio, but I got a headache thinking about
maintaining off - page references on all the sheets and
about Visio's fixed - size symbols. (Perhaps the modern
version of Visio has these features, I dunno.)

My new flowcharts are all in 'Eagle Hobbyist'.

Off - page - references are automatic and work properly.
If I need a large 'decision block' or small 'arrow' symbol
I can just create them as library symbols.

Creating and moving curved lines for looping is much easier
in Eagle than in Visio. It's cool having one less piece of
software involved in the creative process.

Have you tried yEd? Free and very easy to use for things like flowcharts:

I really like the auto-snap and alignment functions. For more complex
diagrams I use Inkscape.


Frank Buss wrote:


I really like the auto-snap and alignment functions. For more complex
diagrams I use Inkscape.

Interesting. Thanks!

Offpage references are really important in the stuff I'm
doing right now. My present chart is about half completed
and I'm up to 13 pages!

It's magical the way Eagle maintains connectivity between
