Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DVD recorders - replacing HDDs and DVD loaders


Dave D

Arfa Daily said:
Got mine in '94. Not been very active though, of late. Still do some
ATVing on the local box, but the 70cms box is full of oddballs, TVs and
assorted other cross-dressers, and 2 is pretty damned quiet now, sideband
and FM.

I was astounded at the lack of activity on both 2M and 70 in my area when I
started listening in again. 70 is so bad that I discovered that my local
repeater was closed down.

At this rate, the Amateur Radio bands are likely to be taken away from us or
at least slimmed down a lot. We already have to share 70 with the LPD band,
and some of those 'LPD' devices are illegal European handies. In fact, one
of my sets of PMR446 handies has a secret menu with 69 LPD frequencies (at
500mW!) and 6 'KDR' frequencies.
I've got HF gear, but can't be arsed to put up any decent antennas ...

LOL! One needs rather understanding neighbours to indulge in HF, and the ERP
and HF aerial sizes do not go well with the high density housing we have in
the UK. HF is amazing and potentially very fulfilling, but it takes a lot of
dedication and effort, and sadly I lost interest in AR before I had a chance
to indulge. I'd probably have gone down the QRP route- working long
distances on a watt must be a real kick!


Arfa Daily

Dave D said:
I was astounded at the lack of activity on both 2M and 70 in my area when
I started listening in again. 70 is so bad that I discovered that my local
repeater was closed down.

At this rate, the Amateur Radio bands are likely to be taken away from us
or at least slimmed down a lot. We already have to share 70 with the LPD
band, and some of those 'LPD' devices are illegal European handies. In
fact, one of my sets of PMR446 handies has a secret menu with 69 LPD
frequencies (at 500mW!) and 6 'KDR' frequencies.

LOL! One needs rather understanding neighbours to indulge in HF, and the
ERP and HF aerial sizes do not go well with the high density housing we
have in the UK. HF is amazing and potentially very fulfilling, but it
takes a lot of dedication and effort, and sadly I lost interest in AR
before I had a chance to indulge. I'd probably have gone down the QRP
route- working long distances on a watt must be a real kick!

For a very long time, I ran a little Trio TR-9000 barefoot on 2 sideband. 10
watts to an 8 ele beam. That WAS a lot of fun when there was a lift on and
it was great to listen to the way a DX station was working his contacts, and
then to dive in at exactly the right moment with " Tango Charlie QRP station
! " Very satisfying to beat all the kilowatt I-ties. Furthest station I ever
worked on this set up was down on one of the Spanish islands via Es. I used
to keep one radio monitoring 2 sideband calling, and one on 2 FM calling,
all day whilst I was working, but alas, my tolerance threshold has dropped
with age ( becoming a grumpy old man, I think Dave ) and I can't be doing
with the constant band hiss from the sidebander any more.
