Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DSC WS4955 W/L Transmitter Problems



Anyone have problems with this unit? I did an install where we used 11
pieces.. Within 24 hours of the install completion, 3 transmitters were
showing low batt. I replaced the batteries today. Now all 3 transmitters are
showing tamper. I got the area rep on the phone. He has no idea why there is
a problem. Anyone have any ideas?


Carlton said:
Anyone have problems with this unit? I did an install where we used 11
pieces.. Within 24 hours of the install completion, 3 transmitters were
showing low batt. I replaced the batteries today. Now all 3 transmitters are
showing tamper. I got the area rep on the phone. He has no idea why there is
a problem. Anyone have any ideas?

I have only had one that showed low batt of those contacts, but it was
the day after install. Did you run supervision again? sometimes it
helps and the basic one are you sure you put the cover back on the right
way? it fits both ways. so you might not have the tamper contact the
right way


Robert L. Bass

Anyone have problems with this unit? I did
an install where we used 11 pieces.. Within
24 hours of the install completion, 3
transmitters were showing low batt. I replaced
the batteries today. Now all 3 transmitters are showing tamper. I got the
area rep on the
phone. He has no idea why there is a problem.
Anyone have any ideas?

Does the homeowner own a wireless headset? :^)


That's an interesting rumour ! I recently spent some time with one of the
DSC technical management types who approached me actually, and who spent a
lot of time telling me how their current wireless equipment is the best
they've ever provided; how their failure rate is almost nothing, and how
they are suffering an undeserved bad reputation for the past quality of some
of their wireless. I have no way of knowing whether these statements are
true or not. For the moment, I'll certainly take them at face value;
however, I have had a lot of trouble personally with their wireless in the
past, and when I hear things like this, I become somewhat suspicious

Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens....

Home Security Metal Products
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Mark Leuck

R.H.Campbell said:
That's an interesting rumour ! I recently spent some time with one of the
DSC technical management types who approached me actually, and who spent a
lot of time telling me how their current wireless equipment is the best
they've ever provided; how their failure rate is almost nothing, and how
they are suffering an undeserved bad reputation for the past quality of some
of their wireless. I have no way of knowing whether these statements are
true or not. For the moment, I'll certainly take them at face value;
however, I have had a lot of trouble personally with their wireless in the
past, and when I hear things like this, I become somewhat suspicious

Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens....

Home Security Metal Products
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I find it interesting that they mentioned it's the best they've ever
produced since the latest door sensor and keyfobs are all made by a 3rd
party Secure Wireless, anything that starts with WS is

From what I've seen they are good although I don't know what the long term
reliability is


Well, I hope for their sake it is Mark. I just simply won't use DSC wireless
myself anymore. I've gone completely to Paradox and their wireless. I don't
know what their long term reliability will be either but if it's like their
panels, I'm not worried


Crash Gordon®

They're not made in Belgium are they?

Mark Leuck said:
I find it interesting that they mentioned it's the best they've ever
produced since the latest door sensor and keyfobs are all made by a 3rd
party Secure Wireless, anything that starts with WS is

From what I've seen they are good although I don't know what the long term
reliability is

Mark Leuck

They're not made in Belgium are they?


Which means they are leftists not psychos :)

Robert L. Bass

They're not made in Belgium are they?

No, but their range testers are.

Crash Gordon®

Dunno abt that..I was in LA yesterday and if one were to judge by the way they drive there.....