Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Doubt about which fingerprint reader to choose

Hi! first of all, as this is my first post, thanks for the space and help.

I have a project that needs a fingerprint reader, that will be interface it with a ESP32. I am between the R305 and the GT511, because I think that those are the most popular (am I wrong?).
As there is no library for the ESP32 for any of them, I will have to make it. And there it comes the question: which one?
I cant find any significant differences between them, and Im about to choose arbitrarly.

Do any of you have experience with one of this? or both? or generally: what should I be paying attention to?

thanks in advance!!
I have no problem with the task in self. Just asking if anyone knows the type of sensors, and could tell me what specs are importante; or if any have worked with them (or others) and could help me choose.