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Door Bell Delay system - Automatic Doorbell system

Hello Everyone !

Hello all i have a general question to an idea i have, and from what im seeing on the net im not the only one that wants to do this !.. Ok i have a door bell system that is 24 V dv, and it has an Eye to ring automatically. The problem is it just rings 40 times overm and over and over and over and over and over and over if some one is standing in the range of it and yes it gets very annoying. SO i want to put a timed delay on to it, so when triggered, will have like a 30 sec delay ( at least ) once triggered. Ok i see people have used timers for HVAC for doing this. Such as this one .. ( i know it says 12 v but people have said they are 12 -14 v ) but how would this be wired ? I know it couldent work with just a simple pass through of the connections on the unit ( first thats just to easy !) but allso it reads that once a current is passed it disconnects and the times starts. So basicly .. ide have to solder a wire inside at a point that is triggered after the door bell triggers, but .. how do i go about wireing this to time the doorbell.... i need constant power to the doorbell button, but to cut the power constant after triggering ... thats what im not getting at the moment. But yes ive read that people have done this in a simple way using these timers, but non say exacly how they did it.. ANy ideas? ( i added the blue board pic since that one seems it might be better for this application) Another thing it seems the boards say DC in but AC out ... hmmm

Blue board Link :®-Aut...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=FJXP8BHV03TRNW2T66T3


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i also want to make a " door open cut off switch" so when i open the door it shuts off the door bell. I think i got that one worked out. i have some reed switches for a security alarm. Problem is they are made to close the circuit once the door is moved. BUT im thinking .. put a single magnet at the top of the switch to open the switch once the door is moved and put more magnets on the door making a higer magnetic pull so it will keep the switch closed when the door is closed, and mount the reed switch backwards (or upside down depending on how your looking at it ) so when the door moves it moves the larger magnetic force, forcing the switch to the lower magnetic force keeping the circuit open... I dont know if i explained that right to give you the right idea of what i mean. But in my head it seems to work. im going to build a throw together of the circuit later to see if it works how im thinking. .... i think i can buy a reed switch like this ... so i might just do that =P
(switches normal position is closed ( with no magnet) and i need this reversed)
door idea-1.jpg
So... ive been really busy so ive been away .. but im coming back to ask something again... Ok so i want to do this door bell delay system for the reason my auto- door bell drives ya nuts by ringing over n over n over n over n over and so on till the person moves away from it.. i like the auto bell ringer for the reasons it rings b4 someone is at the door. but anyway ... ive decided after looking in to things a bit the Blue timer delay board would work well for what i want, BUT ,,, ok soon as its triggered its going to disconnect and the timer starts .. so what do you think? what would happen ..the door bell will have a quick DI... not a full DING because the timer triggered and diconnected the power? so if that would happen ide need 2 timer boards ? One to let it ring for say 2 sec and trigger the second board for a say 30 second delay... would this be what is needed? Im considering just ordering a board, hook it up and see what happens, and if ill need to add a second board. What do ya think?? anyone with some experience with these boards??®-Aut...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=FJXP8BHV03TRNW2T66T3


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Look for a relay with a time built in. Set the time the relay opens the bell shuts off, after a time the relay energizes again.
this blue board seems to break connection soon as its triggered, im still researching and going over things to hopefully find what im looken for. I hopeing to only spend like 10 bucks or so max on this, but if i have to spend more it will be well worth it.