Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DOes anyone still make VRAM?



I would like to use VRAM to interface to a 640x460 monochrome LCD display
without using an LCD controller. The trouble is, I can't seem to find any
VRAM manufacturer left. Not even NEC. Does someone know of a manufacturer? I
am looking for the type of memory which has a DRAM port on one side and a
serial data port on the other, generally x4 or x8 or maybe x16. Density need
not be very much. WRAM might be OK too.


Norm Dresner

l;kdf[poiqwt said:
I would like to use VRAM to interface to a 640x460 monochrome LCD display
without using an LCD controller. The trouble is, I can't seem to find any
VRAM manufacturer left. Not even NEC. Does someone know of a manufacturer? I
am looking for the type of memory which has a DRAM port on one side and a
serial data port on the other, generally x4 or x8 or maybe x16. Density need
not be very much. WRAM might be OK too.

Don't multipost. If you have to ask the same question in more than one NG,
learn how to cross-post. I've already given you one answer in
alt.arch.embedded and there were IIRC a few others as well.
