Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Displaying Steps in LTSPICE for MC analysis

I have been running into this problem for a little while now and I am wondering if anybody has a soltuion for it. My problem is that when I run a MC analysis of 1500 or more runs I come across a step that may be of interest to me. The problem is I don't know what step I am looking at when I do that many runs so I have to go in and manually check the steps until i find the right one. This can be very time consuming sometimes. The question I have is there anyway to display the step number when grapghing all the steps?

Harald Kapp

I'm afraid there is no such option.
I've been using LTSPICE myself for some time and never found a way to overcome this hurdle.
What you can do is:
1) display only slected simulation runs using "plot settings " -> "select steps"
2) Go to "Tools" -> "Color Preferences" print out the color settings. If you have only one waveform displayed in the plot pane, these colors seem to be used in the same sequence for the stepped parameter. Example: assume you display V(n004) and the stepped parameter is X. Then V(n004;X=0) = light green (default for V(1) in the settings display), V(n004;X=1) =blue etc.
