Maker Pro
Maker Pro

display for project

........and it is.....What?

Google seems to think it's a 7 segment led display so if that is the case, then there are many alternatives.
Just need to know whether common anode or common cathode. a copy what you have there........
Two common types of seven-segement displays, based on whether the positive leads or negative are commoned, connected together. To replace you need to determine which sort yours is.
Any more info? on it or the circuit that it is in?
hi, it is a seven segment display but only has 12 pins on it 6 on top and 6 on bottom. there seems to be plenty of them in russia. i downloaded a russian search engine and found it. its manufacutured by a company called foryard in china. it looks like trying to purchase a product in russia would tske s monumental effort. very discouraging.
There are many such products available. Just need to know which sort. Aliexpress will offer you hundreds.

If you are making a project, why do you need this particular part? You have a schematic? That would tell us.

Foryard list other models on their site, which have similar numbers and two rows of six pins. Both the sorts I found had common anode and cathod versions, determined by the suffix. Rather inconclusive.
Search on that site for your number does not yeild any results. (没有匹配的数据)
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hi, it is a seven segment display but only has 12 pins on it 6 on top and 6 on bottom. there seems to be plenty of them in russia. i downloaded a russian search engine and found it. its manufacutured by a company called foryard in china. it looks like trying to purchase a product in russia would tske s monumental effort. very discouraging.

If you show everyone the circuit you have there, it would most likely lead to a readily available alternative.
So, once again show the project details.
Sir pete g . . . . .


I look up the ROOT identifier and then find out . . . . within this data sheet that the very tail ends cryptic 11 suffix is merely relating to the face color of the display and the color of the WHOLE molded unit.
Then I see the specified 6 pins on top and 6 pins on bottom . . . . enough for a 4 digit - 7 segment display . . .with it intended to be multiplexed with the use of that few of active pins..
Also, the schematic differentiates between units having common anode or common cathode sharing. . . . . you are being CC.

Studying these for specs on your unit and then coming away with my shopping list of criteria:
.36 hi digits
4 digit RED display . . . with no clock colon
30-60 mcd of brilliance
Common Cathode sharing
1.9- - - - - - - -2.5 V

In noticing your leeriness in dealing with der RUSSKIES . . . .
But, their Polish buddies will certainly cater to you . . . . .a la

Now do duly note that they are expecting you to meet their minimum order of at least 1, I repeat . . . ONE unit . . .but the deal gets sweetened, at less than a buck a pop, if you will step up to buying 5 units.
THEN you need to check out to be seeing if there is a hidden deal breaker / catch in the postage / shipping fees . . .or a handling fee . . . . .personally, I want them to keep their grubby ole' fingers all off of my pristine new merchandise.

However, should you want to take a slow boat to China . . . . . then investigate . . . .,scm-url:1007.13338.177933.0,pvid:084e6fae-fb84-4576-9260-380044234e4e,tpp_buckets:668#2846#8112#1997&&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id":"66335309209","sceneId":"23416"}

Do you wanna E-bay . . .?
Two units available from US-San Francisco stock at $ 2.49 a copy

Or, if you are not as impatient as a 3 yr old . . . . . E-bay via China sourcing where $ 3.50 + $2.98 will score you TEN of them. . . . . oh MAMMA MIA !

OR . . . . if you are just looking for units elsewhere , use either 5461BS-1 or another brands XL-FD2036-1 as your product identifiers.

Thaaaaaaaaassit . . . . .

73's de Edd . . . . .

I ate a salad for dinner. . . . . mostly just croutons & tomatoes . . . really just one big round crouton covered with tomato sauce and cheese. . . . . FINE . . . . it was a pizza. . . . . . . . I ATE A PIZZA !

i think its a common anode model. FYQ3641BHR-11
YOU EXACTLY RIGHT ! . . . . . the 3641B . . . . . . IS making it a Common Anode unit.
Just figure in that aspect on all of the other look ups .