Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dishwasher Repair- Can anyone identify this resistor?

Hi, my dishwasher lost all power the other day and being the handy type I decided to pull it apart to see what was wrong.
Electronics isn't necessarily my forte but in examining the control board I could see that a resistor has blown.
The banding on the resistor appears to be coloured Yellow, Grey, Black, Grey (although admittedly it is a little hard to tell because of the damage)
Using the colour coding system this would give the resistor a value of 48 Ohms +/-.05%
I have searched high and low on various component websites and just can't seem to find one of this value and any similar ones are completely different colours.
Is this a non-standard component? Am I likely to be able to find a replacement? Have I identified it wrong?
The rest of the board and the mechanical components are good so it would be a massive shame to have to scrap the whole appliance over this.
Thank you!
Resistor 1.jpg Resistor 2.jpg Resistor 3.jpg
It is more likely yellow violet black silver which is 47 Ohms 10%, a standard value. A 0.05% resistor is extremely unlikely in anything short of lab equipment.

It looks like a 1 or 2 Watt resistor

Might even be a 3W. But replacing it is likely to just result in blowing the new resistor. You'll need to figure out why the first one fried before putting in a new one.
Sir Acidnation90 . . . . .( now . . . . . doesn't that make you 29 ? )

In looking in the left corner of your photo of . . . .

You will see a ferrite based power transformer in its black and white colors and to its left is being an " 8 " wink-wink pin IC which is your basics for the units low voltage switch mode power supply, along with a few E-caps and diodes.

That 8 pin IC usually has one pin missing for providing greater physical separation of any electrical flashover between pins at a corner.
There is being a power FET located within that chip, for interfacing / driving the power transformer and it is being dead shorted D to S.

Thus, the reason for the raw DC supply resistor being open circuit . . . . 47 ohms 2 Watt metal film.
Come back with that chips number , and if you can't work with finding a data sheet on the bad IC unit . . . . . at least give us your units brand and model number . . . as even my 24" Professional grade, Crystal Ball doesn't have that high degree of resolving capability.

Thaaaaaaassssit . . . . .

73's de Edd . . . . .

Timely Technical Tip . . . .
Drill a one inch diameter hole in your refrigerator door. . .this will then allow you to check and be sure that the light goes off when the door is closed.