Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Disable AGC on Funai TV/VCR?


John E.

Funai F9TRF1 TV/VCR is now TV-only. The VCR died )c:

And as such, any displayed video signal input (DVD, VCR) suffers from the
macrovision "copy protection" distortion.

I want to be able to watch videos on this TV without these effects. Is it
possible to disable this? (I seem to remember that one can fix the AGC at one
level or create a manually-adjustable AGC.)

All on-line instructions seem to describe building a circuit to strip off
sync signals and re-generate others for the purpose of allowing duping of
videos (not my goal).


Michael A. Terrell

John E. said:
Funai F9TRF1 TV/VCR is now TV-only. The VCR died )c:

And as such, any displayed video signal input (DVD, VCR) suffers from the
macrovision "copy protection" distortion.

I want to be able to watch videos on this TV without these effects. Is it
possible to disable this? (I seem to remember that one can fix the AGC at one
level or create a manually-adjustable AGC.)

All on-line instructions seem to describe building a circuit to strip off
sync signals and re-generate others for the purpose of allowing duping of
videos (not my goal).

Sure, you could go to manual AGC, and twidle the manual gain control
all the time. Why not see if you can bypass the crapped out VCR and
eliminate the real problem?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


John E. ha escrito:
Funai F9TRF1 TV/VCR is now TV-only. The VCR died )c:

And as such, any displayed video signal input (DVD, VCR) suffers from the
macrovision "copy protection" distortion.

I want to be able to watch videos on this TV without these effects. Is it
possible to disable this? (I seem to remember that one can fix the AGC at one
level or create a manually-adjustable AGC.)

All on-line instructions seem to describe building a circuit to strip off
sync signals and re-generate others for the purpose of allowing duping of
videos (not my goal).


it would perhaps be easier to just repair the inbuilt vcr. most likely
just needs a belt changing. anyway let us know what the fault is and
maybe someone will help.