Maker Pro
Maker Pro

dim radio station tuner display led

I have an old Sharp SG-950CD audio system (CD-radio-cassette-phono), and the AM-FM radio station tuning display led has become very dim. The system tunes OK, and the numbers, etc are there, but they can barely be read. What does this usually mean? Thanks.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Depending on the type of display, it may be something as simple as the bulbs which light the display having blown.

This often causes the lighting to be a little uneven too.

Can you post some pictures of the display so we know what type it is and what the likely faults will be.

Many years ago my father had a reel to reel deck which had the VU meters lit by the glowing filaments of the tubes behind them!
dim radio station tuner display LCD

I have an old Sharp SG-950CD audio system (CD-radio-cassette-phono), and the AM-FM radio station tuning display led has become very dim. The system tunes OK, and the numbers, etc are there, but they can barely be read. What does this usually mean? Thanks.

Great start! I mean LCD.
If it's an LCD, that can be bad news, as they're known for not having long-term reliability. If someone doubts this, I've experienced it first-hand on Fluke meters. Plus, if you read Fluke's "life-time warranty", you'll see the LCD is the main thing they don't warrant for longer than 10 years.
The PCB-to-LCD interconnecting thing may become poor at conducting the signals to the LCD, the LCD may shift its position, or backlight lamp(s) may go out.
I opt for the last one here. These combo decks used to have one or two bulbs for backlighting. Most often a stupid design, & usually a pain to replace the bulb(s).