Maker Pro
Maker Pro

digital cable telephony


Crash Gordon

yah depressing ain't it?
no respect, no one gives a shit.
you should tell him; oh yah I forgot to tell you last month we drilled a
small hole through the water main but it's ok we fixed it with
should hold a few weeks.

| | > some days i don't know if i'm coming or going.
| >
| > like today had to deal with one of my favorite clients today, they have
| > way
| > too much money...hi def sat AND hi def cable at all tv's in the house..
| > it seems every time i turn around they want to add or change
| > something...every time they change something we have to go reprogram the
| > mx-850 remote controls (personally, I don't mind cause we charge 65
| > an
| > hour) but heck...she spent 300 bucks in reprogramming today and in a
| > we are replacing one tv with a 63 plasma or maybe a 73 dlp and a 40
| > in the mbr...and we'll have to re-program the dang thing again. It gives
| > me
| > a headache...i just don't have the brain-space for tv stuff
| > too freekin complicated.
| >
| > I told her they should just put me on a retainer, we're there almost
| > month.
| I knw what you mean. I have a couple customers like that. Always
| something, can't just let it be. The contractor gives me plenty of notice
| though: "Hey Jack, we've replaced three windows and need the alarm hooked
| back up. Any time today would be great. Oh, by the way; last week the
| plumber cut a wire by accident, looked like one of yours. He twisted it
| together though, so we could finish the drywall. Oh, and the keypads are
| making this weird humming noise."
| js