Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Designing VFD starter in EATON MCC

How to design MCC with VFD DG1 series (EATON make) In XF / XP enclosure? Please share if any product selection guide to decide enclosure size?
1. Refer enclosed SLD. Actually we have to design MCC for the same in EATON make.
2. Since we have already designed main panel in this project with XP & XF enclosure (Xenergy family).
3. We have to design this MCC panel also in the same enclosure (i.e.) XP & XF.

Unable to identify the documents to decide size of the enclosure. Please support.

Hope the above is clear


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MCC referred here is motor control center where I've to fit the VFD however unable to get the documents to decide the enclosure size.

Regret for the vague informations.