Maker Pro
Maker Pro

design of analog circuits using genetic algorithm


Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
I ran one of my BandGap designs thru one of those optimizers... killed
it... FUBAR ;-)

Can you run dimbulb through it, too? He's already FUBAR.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Paul Burke

John said:

But only because those variables were not included in the evolutionary
environment. Evolution has no imagination to predict future

Absolutely. It took tens or hundreds of millions of years, with a tested
population of probably billions, before some things robust enough to be
called distinct species started the archaea. It's not something you
could do to produce a working FPGA design.

However, if you include the FPGA connectivity rules and timing
charactersistics in the constraints, an emerging design would be
transferrable to another instance. I expect it would just take a lot
longer to emerge.

The whappy design of the machine is one argument against the possibility
of people downloading their minds into a computer, for replication in an
artificial brain at some time in the distant future.
Only bacteria and insects evolve fast enough to take advantage of rapid
changes in the environment. .. We are non
robust, much like those chips, if our environment changes rapidly.

In many senses you could view "higher" organisms as failed archaea/
bacteria. They haven't had to do any great rearrangement for billions of
years; we have to keep elaborating, Heath Robinson* style, just to keep

Anyone for Eukaraoke?

Paul Burke

* or Rube Goldberg over there?

Martin Brown

In message <[email protected]>, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highNOTlan> writes
Somehow a few trillion neurons work better than a few thousand lines
of code. Maybe some day computers will be better than people for
circuit design, like they are now for chess. But chess has rules.

And so does circuit design. Although the intuitive creative step to
define the overall circuit architecture is still well
beyond modern computation power optimising component values in an
existing design is now quite
practicable even on a PC given enough time.
Have you done genetic optimization of circuit values? I guess you'd
first have to come up with a scoring system that defines "best" (like,
for a voltage regulator, something that includes line reg, load reg,
tc, transient response, standard value parts, cost? Then wrap around
that a simulator, then wrap around that the random value diddler and
genetic selection stuff. I can see that diverging fast. Or rather,
diverging slow. It's easy to get lost in a 17-dimensional space.

17 dimensions is no real challenge to modern optimisers.

No modern least squares (or 1-Norm) optimiser should ever diverge (and
that was true of the good ones even a couple of decades ago). What
tends to happen is that they get trapped in steep diagonal valleys or
at local minima and never find the true global optimum. The solution
should never be worse than the initial guess.

Simplex isn't too bad if you already have some idea of how big a range
of parameter space you have to cover. Conjugate gradients will handle
the most difficult problems fairly well given a suitable starting
point and something like simulated annealing is about as good as it
gets for global optimisation irrespective of the initial starting
point. Genetic algorithms are similar to the latter, but rely on an
ensemble of simulations with parameters that are allowed to breed
according to their success rating. They are harder to make work than
simulated annealing codes though fun to watch on toy problems. I
reckon simulated annealing is easier to use than GA. YMMV.
Even intelligent diddling and simulation, for something simple like a
filter, can easily become a horror.

It should not be if you know how the free parameters are inter
related. Filter design is one case where diddling individual
parameters in a naive 1-D optimal search strategy will almost never
get you what you want. There are specialised codes around for optimal
filter design.
I sometines do brute-force numerical searches for things like crystal
frequencies and divisors that satisfy some number of requirements.
That's not so much genetic as just trying a bazillion possible values
in some nested FOR loops.

There is probably a faster way to do that but if it is fast enough
then fine.


John Larkin

In message <[email protected]>, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highNOTlan> writes

And so does circuit design.

Does it? What machine-executable rules would create the schematic of,
say, a spectrum analyzer, or a cell phone, or a laser printer?
Although the intuitive creative step to
define the overall circuit architecture is still well
beyond modern computation power optimising component values in an
existing design is now quite
practicable even on a PC given enough time.

As far as I've heard, only trivial circuits can be optimized by
evolutionary techniques, and some produce (and publish!) preposterous
results. Some things, like filters, can be successfully diddles, but
only starting from a very-close-to-working initial design.
17 dimensions is no real challenge to modern optimisers.

No modern least squares (or 1-Norm) optimiser should ever diverge (and
that was true of the good ones even a couple of decades ago). What
tends to happen is that they get trapped in steep diagonal valleys or
at local minima and never find the true global optimum. The solution
should never be worse than the initial guess.

Where did that initial guess come from? Where did the circuit topology
come from?
Simplex isn't too bad if you already have some idea of how big a range
of parameter space you have to cover. Conjugate gradients will handle
the most difficult problems fairly well given a suitable starting
point and something like simulated annealing is about as good as it
gets for global optimisation irrespective of the initial starting
point. Genetic algorithms are similar to the latter, but rely on an
ensemble of simulations with parameters that are allowed to breed
according to their success rating. They are harder to make work than
simulated annealing codes though fun to watch on toy problems. I
reckon simulated annealing is easier to use than GA. YMMV.

You are talking about minor tweaking of the values of a network that
already exists and is close to the desired performance. That's not
circuit design, that's a tiny, specialized piece of it.


John Larkin

*Seventeen dimensions* is no problem? Riiight. That is, assuming you're
doing a linear or nearly linear optimization, or you start with a decent
guess. For more general problems with lots of 15-dimensional flat spots and
local minima, you could be there for awhile, even with an exaflop machine.


Phil Hobbs

We make one VME board that has 1100 parts, including two FPGAs and a
uP running a few thousand lines of code. Machine-optimize that!

But "start with a decent guess" is 99.99999% of the problem in
electronic design.


John Larkin

Same basic problem as with neural nets: who's going to go into production
with a design that nobody understands? How can anyone have confidence in the
silly thing working on all the relevant edge conditions--temperature, supply
voltage, EMI, the odd bypass cap failure, process corners, ..... Good luck
persuading your foundry to make you another lot if your unconnected gate
doesn't work 'correctly'. I can hear the laughter all the way to NYC.

Conceptually a neat idea, if you haven't got the time or opportunity to learn
the craft, and have a lawyer-like mentality that tends to look down on what
it doesn't understand--"I may not know much about design, but I know what I


Phil Hobbs

I think that automated circuit design appeals to some, especially
academics, who are uncomfortable with the reality of circuit design,
namely that ideas bubble up from the human unconscious, by processes
unknown, and that some people are good at it and others aren't.

Circuit design can be taught, as tennis can be taught, but there's no
algorithm for either. Let them try something simpler first, like a
tennis-playing robot.


Phil Hobbs

Martin said:
In message <[email protected]>, John Larkin
<jjlarkin@highNOTlan> writes

And so does circuit design. Although the intuitive creative step to
define the overall circuit architecture is still well
beyond modern computation power optimising component values in an
existing design is now quite
practicable even on a PC given enough time.

17 dimensions is no real challenge to modern optimisers.

No modern least squares (or 1-Norm) optimiser should ever diverge (and
that was true of the good ones even a couple of decades ago). What
tends to happen is that they get trapped in steep diagonal valleys or
at local minima and never find the true global optimum. The solution
should never be worse than the initial guess.

Simplex isn't too bad if you already have some idea of how big a range
of parameter space you have to cover. Conjugate gradients will handle
the most difficult problems fairly well given a suitable starting
point and something like simulated annealing is about as good as it
gets for global optimisation irrespective of the initial starting
point. Genetic algorithms are similar to the latter, but rely on an
ensemble of simulations with parameters that are allowed to breed
according to their success rating. They are harder to make work than
simulated annealing codes though fun to watch on toy problems. I
reckon simulated annealing is easier to use than GA. YMMV.

It should not be if you know how the free parameters are inter
related. Filter design is one case where diddling individual
parameters in a naive 1-D optimal search strategy will almost never
get you what you want. There are specialised codes around for optimal
filter design.

There is probably a faster way to do that but if it is fast enough
then fine.


*Seventeen dimensions* is no problem? Riiight. That is, assuming you're
doing a linear or nearly linear optimization, or you start with a decent
guess. For more general problems with lots of 15-dimensional flat spots and
local minima, you could be there for awhile, even with an exaflop machine.


Phil Hobbs

Phil Hobbs

John said:
Sounds like Zebulum doesm't understand electronics design *or*


Same basic problem as with neural nets: who's going to go into production
with a design that nobody understands? How can anyone have confidence in the
silly thing working on all the relevant edge conditions--temperature, supply
voltage, EMI, the odd bypass cap failure, process corners, ..... Good luck
persuading your foundry to make you another lot if your unconnected gate
doesn't work 'correctly'. I can hear the laughter all the way to NYC.

Conceptually a neat idea, if you haven't got the time or opportunity to learn
the craft, and have a lawyer-like mentality that tends to look down on what
it doesn't understand--"I may not know much about design, but I know what I


Phil Hobbs

Martin Brown

John Larkin said:
Does it? What machine-executable rules would create the schematic of,
say, a spectrum analyzer, or a cell phone, or a laser printer?

Various tools embody some of the known domain specific rules. But since
you ask on the partially automated design methods the following and
references therein will do for a start (ACM wants money to download the
article but the abstract and references are free access).

Incidentally although chess has rules a human GM working with a decent
computer engine (so called freestyle) chess can still wipe the floor
with even the strongest chess programs. They lack certain types of long
range planning that humans excel at (and we miss certain types of close
in blind spots). GM Kramnik left a mate in one on for Fritz in a game
that he should have won or at the very least drawn.

At least his temperament was much better suited to playing against a
machine. Kasparov was convinced that IBM had cheated when the superior
chess architecture played human like moves. These days you would be hard
pushed to find any serious PC chess engine that doesn't play the key
moves in those Deep Blue games exactly right.
As far as I've heard, only trivial circuits can be optimized by
evolutionary techniques, and some produce (and publish!) preposterous

I am no great fan of evolutionary GA techniques. They are over hyped
much like AI was in the 60's.
results. Some things, like filters, can be successfully diddles, but
only starting from a very-close-to-working initial design.

Global optimisers are a lot better these days than you seem to think.
There is a lot of experience in the crystallographic community solving
for structures and in other inverse problems that is directly applicable
to this.
Where did that initial guess come from? Where did the circuit topology
come from?

Humans are still needed to guide computer aided design. We are way
better at long range planning and overall strategy. Where we fall down
is on excessive minor details and being swamped by all the permutations
- even the best of us make fence post errors sometimes.
You are talking about minor tweaking of the values of a network that
already exists and is close to the desired performance. That's not
circuit design, that's a tiny, specialized piece of it.

Simulated annealing is a lot more powerful than that.


Martin Brown

Phil Hobbs said:
*Seventeen dimensions* is no problem? Riiight. That is, assuming
you're doing a linear or nearly linear optimization, or you start with
a decent guess. For more general problems with lots of 15-dimensional
flat spots and local minima, you could be there for awhile, even with
an exaflop machine.

Not at all. A few dozen dimensions was about the limit two decades ago.
These days I understand the bleeding edge non-linear solvers can handle
a few hundred free parameters and stand a good chance of finding a
useful practical solution. No guarantee that it is the true global
optimum, but a workable and useful solution non-the-less.

You can easily construct pathological cases that these codes cannot
handle but for a large number of important practical problems they are
adequate. They may not find the true global optimum solution, but a good
solution will often be good enough to use.

If you keep the simulation space for circuit design in the continuous
domain then search direction optimisation codes will work nicely. If you
insist on forcing all component values to E12 or E24 at the outset then
there will be problems. But even then simulated annealing will find a
solution but it takes longer.

I understand they are using some of these methods to help optimise the
horrid design problem of the next generation of self powered RFID tags.


Phil Hobbs

Martin said:
Not at all. A few dozen dimensions was about the limit two decades ago.
These days I understand the bleeding edge non-linear solvers can handle
a few hundred free parameters and stand a good chance of finding a
useful practical solution. No guarantee that it is the true global
optimum, but a workable and useful solution non-the-less.

You can easily construct pathological cases that these codes cannot
handle but for a large number of important practical problems they are
adequate. They may not find the true global optimum solution, but a good
solution will often be good enough to use.

If you keep the simulation space for circuit design in the continuous
domain then search direction optimisation codes will work nicely. If you
insist on forcing all component values to E12 or E24 at the outset then
there will be problems. But even then simulated annealing will find a
solution but it takes longer.

I understand they are using some of these methods to help optimise the
horrid design problem of the next generation of self powered RFID tags.


If you have 17 dimensions, then in one minute on an exaflop machine, you
can explore at most (6*10**19)**(1/17) or about 14.6 values on each
coordinate axis, over the full range of values available (whatever that
may be).

Even for an unconstrained optimization, your problem doesn't have to be
very pathological for that not to be enough.

I use a clusterized optimizing FDTD program (one that took me the best
part of six months' work to write) to design antenna-coupled tunnel
junction (ACTJ) infrared detectors and modulators. You can see from
that that I'm not against numerical optimization. It works great, _if_
the problem is of reasonable size, or _if_ the problem domain nearly
decomposes into a reasonable number of smaller regions (i.e. you don't
have strong nonlinear interactions among all the parameters), or _if_
you aren't too picky about global optimization. (My problem falls into
the last category.)

Those special cases cover a lot of practical problems, it's true.
However, it's nonsense to say that the general nonlinear optimization of
a strongly interacting problem with dozens of variables, without good *a
priori* information is within the state of the art. It isn't, and it's
never going to be, because of the combinatoric explosion. (If we ever
have a 1000 exaflop machine, in 1 minute it'd be able to check a whole
*22* values per axis of your 17-dimensional problem.)


Phil Hobbs


I think that automated circuit design appeals to some, especially
academics, who are uncomfortable with the reality of circuit design,
namely that ideas bubble up from the human unconscious, by processes
unknown, and that some people are good at it and others aren't.

Circuit design can be taught, as tennis can be taught, but there's no
algorithm for either. Let them try something simpler first, like a
tennis-playing robot.


Ooooh, nice choice. Sufficiently constrained to keep safety problems
from blowing up the early solutions. And sufficiently difficult to
break the non-working academics. Those false academics will, of
course, dismiss it as having neither practical application nor
academic rigor, as if they knew either.