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Maker Pro

Dell w2600 lcd tv


I have a DELL W2600 LCD TV.....and it doesn't work reliably. It has a well known problem for this model: After several minutes of use, if you turn the display off and then back on it won't come back on. After many hours Googleing and reading. Lots of reading because lots of people have this problem. There are suggestions and some hints but no solutions. With nothing to loose but the permanent destruction of the TV (I would like to avoid), I have opened it up to see what I can see. Many people seem to think the power supply is the problem. After tinkering and reading an account of someone taking the PS of a known working W2600 and putting it in a nonworking one with no change, it would seem the problem is not the PS. So now I am faced with checking components on the main board. The problem seems to be one of low heat tolerance in a component. Since this model was discontinued fairly soon after production, it is possible that there was a bad batch of components that went into this model.

I would love to figure this out. I will need help.

Calling me a novice would be generous. I know how to solder and check voltages, resistance, transistors and other functions of my multi-meter but that's about it.

I felt the need to tell my story and my limitations before asking my questions.
Hopefully I haven't driven you off already and you are still reading. :eek:

I have examined and re soldered broken/cold/dry solder joints. There were some suspect ones on a couple transformers in the PS. I don't see any others. I've replaced a couple capacitors as suggested in some of the Google results.
It would seem the power supply won't come out of stand-by. I think the mainboard is not providing that signal to the PS after it warms up. There is a stand-by pin that normally has 3.3VDC but doesn't when the problem occurs. I've tapped 3.3 from a nearby pin to try to force the PS on but this does nothing.
Most components on the mainboard are surface mount and tightly grouped. It would be difficult for me to desolder them. I'll attempt it if advised to.

Does anyone have experience working on DELL W2600 LCD TV?

Thanks for any help and insight.

For what it's worth.... Here's some pics of it.


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Hey - did you ever find out the problem?
I have the same tv and I get power but no image - I can hear the tv and change channels with the remote but nothing - just black as if it's turned off.

I have a DELL W2600 LCD TV.....and it doesn't work reliably. It has a well known problem for this model: After several minutes of use, if you turn the display off and then back on it won't come back on. After many hours Googleing and reading. Lots of reading because lots of people have this problem. There are suggestions and some hints but no solutions. With nothing to loose but the permanent destruction of the TV (I would like to avoid), I have opened it up to see what I can see. Many people seem to think the power supply is the problem. After tinkering and reading an account of someone taking the PS of a known working W2600 and putting it in a nonworking one with no change, it would seem the problem is not the PS. So now I am faced with checking components on the main board. The problem seems to be one of low heat tolerance in a component. Since this model was discontinued fairly soon after production, it is possible that there was a bad batch of components that went into this model.

I would love to figure this out. I will need help.

Calling me a novice would be generous. I know how to solder and check voltages, resistance, transistors and other functions of my multi-meter but that's about it.

I felt the need to tell my story and my limitations before asking my questions.
Hopefully I haven't driven you off already and you are still reading. :eek:

I have examined and re soldered broken/cold/dry solder joints. There were some suspect ones on a couple transformers in the PS. I don't see any others. I've replaced a couple capacitors as suggested in some of the Google results.
It would seem the power supply won't come out of stand-by. I think the mainboard is not providing that signal to the PS after it warms up. There is a stand-by pin that normally has 3.3VDC but doesn't when the problem occurs. I've tapped 3.3 from a nearby pin to try to force the PS on but this does nothing.
Most components on the mainboard are surface mount and tightly grouped. It would be difficult for me to desolder them. I'll attempt it if advised to.

Does anyone have experience working on DELL W2600 LCD TV?

Thanks for any help and insight.

I realize this post is probably late now but I did come accross one of these Dell little Jewels a couple of weeks ago. After reviewing the problems everyone has had with these I have found the problem that is the fix to this issue. It is not the power supply at all. Leave it alone. The problem can be found on the logic main board. I have seen a post that it is the memory chip located at I232 but that is not the problem either and if it was most people would not be able to replace it anyway because the part is surface bond mounted which means it is not to be removed. the problem is with the LM1117 800mA Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators. There are two of them located close to the main power connector and one more is located on the lower right hand area of the board. These are fine tuned and if they malfuction due to heat then they will send a signal to the power supply to shut down. They have a thermal sensor in them. The part can be replaced with several others but should be replaced with the 2.5v chip. The older the monitor has become before this problem occures may result in damage to memory chip located at I232 which will of course make these monitors trash. After all three are replaced on the locic board with exact same brand and part; you will find two small reset buttons loacted in the middle of the main logic board and those should be reset by pushing them both at the same time after power is reapplied to the unit just to reset any errors that were recorded before unit would not power on or shut off after 10 seconds. The unit is not going into standby mode; it is going into shutoff lock mode. Changing only one of these parts out will only result in the problem occuring later; ussally in 45 to 60 minutes after unit is up and running. It will either shut off or stay on but lock up and do nothing. I hope this helps someone who never gave up. Dell will not fix this problem because of the time involved. Time wise it is too expensive. Lite on made the boards inside and Samsung supplied alot of the components. It is not all Dells fault but they could have been more proactive in helping us figure out the problem.
Good Luck
Mr. Lance Weeks
[email protected]
Wow, that was a pretty crazy bump! I would be curious to see your results, I don't have the exact same TV... but I have a monitor with the same problem, wonder if they are anywhere closely related? Gives me another area to check when I get around to it :)
This has been a common issue, the simple solution that I have read about is replacing the entire main board. Buying a main board can run u up to around $100 though but replacing is fairly simple. Since you already opened up your TV the main board is the board that has all your audio and video inputs. Google the part number on that board and see how much a new board will cost you. After buying simply replace it with the old one, make sure you connect all the wires properly as before.


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