Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dell Optiplex 360 LGA775 motherboard: where are the booting pins ?

Hello everyone ! I have this motherboard along with its power supply because I want to build a wooden case. But I can't seem to figure out what the 2 pins for booting are since I find no explanation on the motherboard itself and the videos I've seen talk about motherboards with way less pins for the front panel (the pins on the down-left side of the picture) Thank you very much, in advance.

Dell optiplex 360 LGA775.jpg
Thank you, but I couldn't find the pins to be shorted. What's weird is that the pins I talked about, where the motherboard says FRONT PANEL, are meant for the floppy disk connector, so I'm confused.
Weirdly enough, although it says the 360 is among the models for it, it is not, so no, thank you. Is it safe to try and short each combination of pins in the FRONT PANNEL connector ?