Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Deletion of account

I cannot see anywhere to do so in settings, and a quick google only turned up forum threads.
Could an admin please delete this account and remove any of my personal data from the site's databases, sending me email confirmation when this is done if possible.


I cannot see anywhere to do so in settings, and a quick google only turned up forum threads.
Could an admin please delete this account and remove any of my personal data from the site's databases, sending me email confirmation when this is done if possible.

I can do that for you but …..
why do you want to leave ?
Made this account years ago to consult for help for a project, haven't used it since and am trying to clean up my digital footprint.
If while at university (Aerospace Engineering) I need some help with electronics, I may return, but have never really felt too comfortable posting here although I sometimes lurk.


Made this account years ago to consult for help for a project, haven't used it since and am trying to clean up my digital footprint.


ummm well the usual easiest way is to ban you to remove you
but that means you would have to create a new account with maybe a different IP

As far as personal security goes, no one on the forum knows who you really are
keeping your account active isn't really any big deal

would you like to stay or do I do a ban to delete your account ? :)
