Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Delaying a Serial Digital Stream

I need your help please.
I'm trying to delay a digital serial stream signal for 50 to 100ms. How can I do that? Is there an exciting IC with such as functionality?

Here is what I'm trying to do: I have an asynch serial signal going to a device, I need to detect that signal on the source, do some processing before it reaches the destination. In order to avoid the signal reaching the destination before I finish my processing, I need to delay it a bit in order to achieve that goal.

Best Regards
I would use a micro with a circular buffer, assuming the data is a manageable amount for a micro to handle and buffer easily...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There are multiple ways.

One way is using a extremely long cable.

Another way is converting the signal to another slower moving form (say a surface wave on a ceramic) and then back to digital after that has taken a long detour.

Or you can sample the signal, store it as a bitstream, then recreate the signal

50 to 100ms is a long time. What is the data rate and is the digital stream sync or async?
Thanks. I chose to store it in a bitstream then recreate it.

the baud rate is 9600b/s and it is a-synch.
Thanks again