Maker Pro
Maker Pro

decorative lights



hi there,i m a student of electronics and always wondered how the
dancing lights work.i mean how are they wired to go on and off at
certain places and at different is anything about
series-parallel combination,whats the trick?from what i have observed
every bulb of a different colour has a seperate wire.thank you

Homer J Simpson

moni said:
hi there,i m a student of electronics and always wondered how the
dancing lights work.i mean how are they wired to go on and off at
certain places and at different is anything about
series-parallel combination,whats the trick?from what i have observed
every bulb of a different colour has a seperate wire.thank you

Search for Color Organ.

Alan B

hi there,i m a student of electronics and always wondered how the
dancing lights work.i mean how are they wired to go on and off at
certain places and at different is anything about
series-parallel combination,whats the trick?from what i have observed
every bulb of a different colour has a seperate wire.thank you

If you want a real challenge, go see an exhibit of strobe-light art, and
try to figure out how that stuff is put together.