Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DC simple motor

i want to change the direction of motor using two relays,lm324,light dependent resistor and 2n2222 transistor please help me how to do this.i have to make it on pcb or vero board.
You only need one relay, two pole changeover to change motor direction.
To start and stop the motor you will need the second relay.
The 2N2222 transistor is used to amplify the light dependant resistor signal.

What power supply?
What motor?

Show us how a changeover relay can change the polarity of the motor supply.
Perhaps you're looking for something like this: (assuming you have a small12V DC Motor):


However, the usage of comparator LM324 is absolutely optional for this purpose. If you really have a dual changeover relay, the 2N2222 is good enough along with the LDR.