Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Datasheet writing Software



Hi all,

I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Best regards,

Tim Wescott

Davy said:
Hi all,

I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Best regards,
What I look for in a datasheet is complete information, not snazzy
layout. Worry about looks _after_ you've accomplished quality content.
As for the software, all the datasheets that I've ever seen look like
they could be done on a good word processor or on a simple desktop
publishing program.

I'd just use what I always use: Writer
(, but Word would work just as well. If I
were selling products instead of services and I had a tech writer who
wanted to get PageMaker or some equivalent I'd probably spring for it in
a minute.

If you need to write a gazillion of them make a nice template after
you've done a dozen or so.

John Fields

Hi all,

I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Fred Bloggs

I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

First they ask for a specialized IC for the slightest little thing and
now the same for writing- sort of pathetic.

Joe G \(Home\)

Why don't you look at the formats of some IC data sheets.

These are quite formal.


To develop a product, you might try this path.

1. Concept doc
2. Marketing doc - prelim
3. Marketing spec - What is hoped to be acheived
4. Marketing product spec's - more formal marketing spec
5. Design spec - Take the Marketing product spec and define how you are
doing to design the product
6. Does Design spec meet Marketing spec - if not - go back to 4 and
If design spec and maketing spec's agree then continue to 7.
7. Preliminary Product spec
8. Does Prelim Product spec meet Market spec and cost/budget/quality and
time? - if not - go back to 4 and negociate
If Prelim Product spec agrees with Marketing product spec then continue
to 9.
9. Formal Product specification
10 Design / build product.

Data sheets..... are a type of Formal Product Specification..... you should
"begin with the end in mind".

Basically the Marketing product spec..... is massaged at each stage with
more formal details added at each stage.

If your product specification doesn't meet your marketing specification
then... you may have missed the target...

All of these are "living documents" and will change with the design...

With an informal Marketing product spec - you can tease your prosective
customers early..... get there feedback and adjust your Marketing spec -
where required.... before committing to a prelim product spec.... before
formal design has commenced.... it cheeper to do it at this stage than after
the product has been built and you missed the target.


John Woodgate

I read in that "Joe G (Home)"
1. Concept doc
2. Marketing doc - prelim
3. Marketing spec - What is hoped to be acheived
4. Marketing product spec's - more formal marketing spec
5. Design spec - Take the Marketing product spec and define how you are
doing to design the product
6. Does Design spec meet Marketing spec - if not - go back to 4 and
If design spec and maketing spec's agree then continue to 7.
7. Preliminary Product spec
8. Does Prelim Product spec meet Market spec and cost/budget/quality
and time? - if not - go back to 4 and negociate
If Prelim Product spec agrees with Marketing product spec then
to 9.
9. Formal Product specification
10 Design / build product.

11-999 Produce ECOs to actually make the damn thing manufacturable.

Robert Latest

["Followup-To:" header set to]
On 19 Sep 2005 07:34:17 -0700,
in Msg. said:
I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

OpenOffice Writer is a good, free, platform-independent word processor
that also produces decent PDF output.


Tim Wescott

Fred said:
First they ask for a specialized IC for the slightest little thing and
now the same for writing- sort of pathetic.
Oh, is there a specialized IC for writing data sheets? Who makes it?
What's the part number?

Jorge Sánchez

I think, LaTeX can be a good option too, but you will need some learning
before writing a decent document with it.


Le Chaud Lapin

Davy said:
Hi all,

I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Best regards,

Microsoft Word & Visio (which includes nice stock of electronic
symbols) would be more than sufficient.

-Chaud Lapin-


Hi all,

I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Best regards,

I don't know of any, but sounds like it might be possible. There are
programs that will generate poetry. I think I might have seen the
results of one that could generate random resumes.

I wrote a program once that would generate reasonable values for my
meals when traveling. I would give it mean values for breakfast, lunch
and dinner, plus a standard deviation and number of days. I'd run it a
few times till I got a total I liked, then transfer the numbers to the
expense report.

So automatic datasheets, seems like something that someone might want to
try. With enough AI, you could run the datasheet generator until it
specified an interesting product, then try to build it.


I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

AFAIK, there is not.

And I don't think there is any real need for it either.

Assuming you are writing for engineers, they will be more interested in
accurate and useful information rather than the style.

If you are writing sales leaflets, then style might be important.

Why not say to your own engineers,
"If you were evaluating this product, what do you think you should know
about it in order to understand and use it? And write it down."

I'm guessing by your email address that you are oriental.
Your writing is not fluent English, so if you want the data sheet in English
you should get a native English speaker to check the final text. I've seen
quite a few data sheets where the text has been so appallingly bad that it
cannot be understood.

The Japanese are particularly prone to writing English text and assuming it
is correct or makes sense. See:

Rich Grise

I don't know of any, but sounds like it might be possible. There are
programs that will generate poetry. I think I might have seen the results
of one that could generate random resumes.

I wrote a program once that would generate reasonable values for my meals
when traveling. I would give it mean values for breakfast, lunch and
dinner, plus a standard deviation and number of days. I'd run it a few
times till I got a total I liked, then transfer the numbers to the expense

So automatic datasheets, seems like something that someone might want to
try. With enough AI, you could run the datasheet generator until it
specified an interesting product, then try to build it.

Don't laugh - doxygen can generate a user manual from your code:


John Woodgate

I read in that Stef Mientki
A really don't laugh, ...
... but I do think
in 2005 this is the world upside down !!
Why not generate code form my doc ?
No, that's the wrong order. You go to the doc when you've already got a
code. Ib your dose.

Jasen Betts

["Followup-To:" header set to sci.electronics.basics.]
Hi all,

I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?

use a word processor for the text and do the graphs in a spreadshhet, embed
them in the word processor document and print it to a pdf generator etc...

In sci.electronics.basics Davy said:
I want to write datasheet for a product.
Is there any software support typical datasheet writing?
Any suggestions will be appreciated!

You can try: - To write documents including advanced math eq. - Add illustrations and figures (as .eps).

To make Postscript or PDF of your documents: - To write MS-Word documents if you need to.