Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Datasheet wanted for Mostek MK50253N alarm clock IC

I hope this group is an appropriate place to post this. I am trying to
get a datasheet for the Mostek alam clock IC MK50253N, produced in the
mid '70s. Mostek seem to have gone out of business in the '80s, and a
couple of online datasheet archive sites list the device, but don't
have a datasheet. Does anyone out there have one they could copy or
scan for me please?
I hope this group is an appropriate place to post this. I am trying to
get a datasheet for the Mostek alam clock IC MK50253N, produced in the
mid '70s. Mostek seem to have gone out of business in the '80s, and a
couple of online datasheet archive sites list the device, but don't
have a datasheet. Does anyone out there have one they could copy or
scan for me please?

Our data book scanning project has 7 Mostek data books included in the
next update. I hope its the right one, I'll check the other books if

Best Regards
DatasheetArchive Admin

N Cook

I hope this group is an appropriate place to post this. I am trying to
get a datasheet for the Mostek alam clock IC MK50253N, produced in the
mid '70s. Mostek seem to have gone out of business in the '80s, and a
couple of online datasheet archive sites list the device, but don't
have a datasheet. Does anyone out there have one they could copy or
scan for me please?

I thought Mostek only did memory ICs not consumer stuff
Did any of the Heathkit clocks use it? Manuals are available for them,
at at least you'll get the pinout. I still have my GC-1005 (MK5017
chip) from the early 1970s, and the seconds digit has been blinking
erratically for about the past 30 years.
Thanks for the thought. Our messages must have crossed - the chaps at came up trumps with the real thing. Yes, I think
I have a dry joint on mine somewhere, as it is a bit erratic.