Maker Pro
Maker Pro

data display Led board help model bli-232 m/c

Got my hands on a Data display display board, its 196 x 16 with only an Ethernet port which I'm guessing is used via a rs232 - rj45 connector

I called data display who said it will be a Siemens controller and they cannot help me.
Anyone any ideas on which software I could try to get the board displaying info?

appreciate any help thanks,
You might have a problem.

I've come across these units before and some are fitted with programming EPROMS with the characters sets and preset messages. Apparently you can get an EPROM that offers a 'free running' facility (so you can send your own messages) but of course it's an extra cost item..... I was quoted $120 and $75 delivery.... go figure.

Others have IR remote control and require the programming keyboard to match

If you've got the free-running version then you're one of the lucky few. Hang it on a simple serial terminal program and bang out a few commands!
yer tried but does not seem to respond to anything, called data display back and they said £500 to reprogram it from the Siemens rom lol trippers be cheaper to buy a new led screen.

Thanks for your help anyway :D
Google for 'dot-matrix message board hacks'. You aren't the first to get hold of one of these things but the electronics in them IS adaptable if you identify the basic serial (it's all shift-registered) points.

When I got my board (a red/green bi-colour dot matrix with 80 displays of 8x8 dots etc) I just parted it for the various modules, displays etc and sold them on eBay.

Made over 10x what I paid for the whole unit!!