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Maker Pro

Current passed through my headphones into my head? Is it possible?

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Apologies if this is in the wrong group but I have been looking all over the internet and cannot get an answer (one I understand anyway)

The background - I was playing my electric drums which are plugged into a normal socket. I have an audio out cable which is where my headphones are placed and a mix in cable where I input my music to play through the drums. First of all if I touch the input (where my phone would go) there is a humming noise I hear through my headphones, this goes once the phone is plugged in. However when I was wearing the headphones I experienced these noise (with phone out), since my ear feels clogged and my head feels pretty weird in general. Is there any chance current could of been passed through my head? If not could the noise create this overall strange feeling?

Based on what I have read the noise created sounds accustom to a ground loop, if this helps.

To add I did not feel any shock, could electricity pass through me without me feeling it? Could it do damage?
I experienced these noise (with phone out), since my ear feels clogged and my head feels pretty weird in general. Is there any chance current could of been passed through my head? If not could the noise create this overall strange feeling?
With headphones out, the noise must have come elsewhere. Probably the amp.

It's highly doubtful current passed through your head. If it did you likely wouldn't live to tell about it.
Even if the headphones were accidentally shorted to line voltage, the current would not take the path through one side of an insulated headphone through your head and through the other insulated side and back.
It would take the path of least resistance which is certainly not your head.

Assuming the strange feeling in your head isn't because of what some drummers lifestyles contribute, I'd say your ears probably just got blasted with a loud noise.

Seriously though, if your head continues to hurt, see a Dr.


^^^^ what he said ^^^^^

seek medical help for tinnitus or such issues

and before we get too many random responses
thread closed
Can't do anything about tinnitus, you just have to learn to put up with it. You learn to ignore it after a while.
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