Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CS-2771R...looking for T552



I have some technical information received from the internet that is
directing me to check T552 for my Mitsubishi CS-2771R Television. I
have been putting up with jitter for a while which got better as the
tv warmed up but now there is a solid vertical line down the middle.
I have been instructed to check solder connection at T552.
I have examined the tv's circuit board around the horizontal section
and do not see T552. Can anyone direct me to the location of this
item by posting a copy of the schematic or telling me by looking at
your parts picture what is near T552 R553, etc.

Any help greatly appreciated. Oh yeah..I have discharged the voltage
from the picture tube.

Sam Cederas
Raleigh, N.C.
[email protected]


If you have a solid vertical line on the tv set, you need to look at the
yoke return path for the problem. It is unlikely the solder connections to
the horizontal driver transformer or the flyback transformer are the problem
at this point.

Typically in a Mitz set T551 is the h-driver and T552 is the flyback, but
not always.



Anyone know how to remove the bottom circuit board from the chassis?
I have the back cover off and see where the main board is supposed to
slide right on out. I see the tabs on the underside and I just can
not slide the main board out. What am I doing wrong. I see no screws
hold the main board to the chassis.
I need to get the board out in order to resolder connections.

Sam Cederas
Raleigh, N.C.
[email protected]


figured it out. On the underside of the main board I found capacitor
had leaked out and also found cold solder connection to T552.
Tnx for help.
Sam Cederas
Raleigh, N.C.
[email protected]


FYI if you found one clearly bad capacitor in a Mitz set, you have lots more
to find if you want a long term solid repair. Take it from lots of
experience from more than one tech on Mitz capacitor problem sets.
