Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Creative GigaWorks S750 (7.1 Surround Sound System) DEAD ?!?


Spehro Pefhany

The glue is to keep the radial caps from vibrating back and forth and
the leads fatiguing and breaking. The interior of a subwoofer is a
HIGH VIBRATION environment. This is a proper construction technique
for the conditions.

Cool. More for me.



snipped retarded page full of bullshit.

How is it even possible that a total retard like this SkyTard Sinking
idiot has the time to sit and write up page after page of utter

Does this little twit get EVERYTHING handed to him by mommy and daddy?

Dude... keep it to yourself. Not a damned soul anywhere in Usenet gives
a fat flying **** about your stupid screw driver exercises.

Archimedes' Lever

The glue is to keep the radial caps from vibrating back and forth and
the leads fatiguing and breaking.

No shit. It's called stress imposed creep failure
The interior of a subwoofer is a
HIGH VIBRATION environment.

No shit.
This is a proper construction technique
for the conditions.

No shit. Next time ANSWER him from HIS post, not my response.


Could you please STOP cross-posting all these messages? When you post to a
zillion newsgroups, only YOUR part of the conversation is readable unless
people who reply reply to all the groups. Which they don't.

Thanks from many.

Rich Grise

Could you please STOP cross-posting all these messages? When you post to a
zillion newsgroups, only YOUR part of the conversation is readable unless
people who reply reply to all the groups. Which they don't.

Thanks from many.

The point of crossposting is in case others might be interested. It saves
bandwidth over multi-posting, and, as you say, if it's applicable to a
specific group, people have the option of setting followups to whatever
groups they feel are appropriate.

Hope This Helps!


Rich said:
The point of crossposting is in case others might be interested. It
saves bandwidth over multi-posting, and, as you say, if it's
applicable to a specific group, people have the option of setting
followups to whatever groups they feel are appropriate.

Hope This Helps!

Except in the case of Skyfuck here, who would do better posting to a
newsgroup where he can get advice on removing himself from the gene

Skybuck Flying


The pc world and the audio world are two different worlds which makes it
completely confusing for a noooob ;)

Also the complexities/peculiarities of the X-Fi make it worse.

Fortunately the best source of information was on the creative forums, where
creative had some stickies up.

For gaming the X-Fi elite pro analog outputs must be used... since games use
EAX and only the analag outputs have this.

However it is possible to connect the X-Fi to a Receiver with a special
cable called:

"Soundblaster home theater cable".

Which I came across here where it was explained how to connect it up.

Another link:

This seems by far the easiest way to connect the X-Fi to any Receiver.

For example many receivers look like this on the back side:

(Click little picture and zoom in... there you will see the 8 holes where
the cables go into !)

(This is called a 7.1 Analog Speaker System which should be best for X-Fi !)

Now the only thing I need to figure out is how to connect my
satelites/speakers/boxes (which I already have from the dead gigaworks...)
to it...

This is a matter of compatible plugs... I would guess they would fit into
them... but I am not sure...

So tomorrow or so I will go to a local store which I already visitted... The
dude was clueless about the pc soundblasters... and he said I should by a pc
speaker system... but I don't want to do that... I want to re-use the
satelites... but I didn't tell him that... I was still confused so I went

But now that I know what to do I will return... not so much to tell him
off... or to correct him... but if I do meet him I will tell him about this
special cable so he learns something interesting ;)

The store probably only has crappy 5.1 home theater systems... and maybe
crappy 5.1 receivers... but at least it will allow to check out if my
satelite cable will fit into those holes... which I already took a look at
at the store...

I also consulted the manual from the x-fi but no tutorial on it... also the
spd/if thing that many people mention is crap...

If it's "digital" it's crap... ok... the digital output is bullshit... it's
only for 2.1 unless external decodes blablablabla trust me it's all crap for

You definetly wanna go analog for games and 7.1 ! ;)

Now ofcourse I do need to make sure that the final receiver that I buy has
similiar holes so that I am sure that everything will connect properly.

It's a bit of risk since I don't know if the satelites still good but they
probably are ;)

The only thing I then need is a sub woofer to replace the dead gigaworks
subwoofer (it's not really dead but can't use it anymore).

So I need to buy that special cable.

All in all a bit expensive to buy all this new stuff... but I think it's
gonna be worth it... I also hope the sound will be slighty better than the
gigaworks... since I will be spending big bucks on the receiver... like 400
bucks or so ?! so it better output diamonds like the gigaworks did or even
better :)

Also I think the satelites 70 watt and 8 ohm... not 100% sure so must make
100% sure... and then I should have a nice 7.1 gaming setup soon again.

I look forward to playing Street Fighter 4 with it... and Company of Heroes
which is not that impressive for surround sound but still nice to hear stuff
fire in the distance... I will also then give Call of Juarez 2 another try
just to hear how it sounds...

And ofcourse I should then be able to enjoy my music much better again...
since the old 2.1 speaker system makes it sound like crap ! ;) :)

Now I have to go select a good receiver which I like... has a nice menu...
has good reviews... and doesn't become to hot and has this good analog
connection option ! ;) and is not too big... and can be ordered over
internet... not sure if I am gonna buy via internet but probably ;)

Would be a bonus if I could buy receiver, subwoofer and this special cable
all from the same store ! ;)
