Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Creating an additional 'live' conductor with no reference

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I have an AC circuit which has a single conductor (LIVE), there is no neutral or ground conductor.

I would like to create a reference for this live conductor at a different potential than the live itself.

If you consider that the live is 230Vac, I would like to create a second voltage at a higher potential of say 250Vac, or lower potential of say this possible with no reference in the circuit?

Ultimately I'm trying to create a DC voltage from this AC supply therefore I'll be using a bridge rectifier and my circuit does not need to be isolated so there will be no transformer.

Your thoughts and assistance would be appreciated.

You can create a different potential by connecting a battery to the conductor, the other end of the battery will have the potential of the live wire + or - the battery voltage.

However, I don't think this is what you meant.

If you want to draw power from the single conductor you cannot do that. You need a neutral connection.

How can you have a single live conductor without any other reference conductor ?
How can you make a second supply 'Higher or Lower' without a reference to it??
You have to make yourself clearer as to what you have and want to do?

I have an AC circuit which has a single conductor (LIVE), there is no neutral or ground conductor.

I would like to create a reference for this live conductor at a different potential than the live itself.

If you consider that the live is 230Vac, I would like to create a second voltage at a higher potential of say 250Vac, or lower potential of say this possible with no reference in the circuit?

Ultimately I'm trying to create a DC voltage from this AC supply therefore I'll be using a bridge rectifier and my circuit does not need to be isolated so there will be no transformer.

Your thoughts and assistance would be appreciated.

Unfortunately... the phrase 'Everything is relative' comes to mind and does actually apply here.
How do you know there is 230 - 210Vac on the line? Can you measure it? no.... not without a reference. Both probes on a volt-meter need to go somewhere to tell you the difference in potential from one probe to another. That's how the meters work and that's how electronics work.

If you want to add a reference to that line you have, you will need to find at least one other existing reference to use.
However... I strongly encourage you to drop this and have a qualified electrician in to correct it or make any changes for you.
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