Maker Pro
Maker Pro

crazy idea, but what the heck!



Hi guys,

Just wondering if anybody here knows on what to do with a old c band
dish? I was thinking of modifying it to do other task , other than
just collecting c band radio tv. I no longer use it for TV purposes
and it has been just sitting there for years. Its a large 12ft mesh
dish with a fully operational LNB and arm.

Don Bruder

Chris said:
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anybody here knows on what to do with a old c band
dish? I was thinking of modifying it to do other task , other than
just collecting c band radio tv. I no longer use it for TV purposes
and it has been just sitting there for years. Its a large 12ft mesh
dish with a fully operational LNB and arm.

Got Dish Network or DirectTV? If so, put the LNB from one of those units
in the focus, and aim it at your DirectTV/Dish bird to kiss *ALL*
worries of "rain fade" or other "not strong enough signal" type problems
a final good-bye.

Other than that... <shrug> Are you in snow country, and is it the solid
type dish? If so, you might be able to rent it out for family sledding

"...then there's our top-of-the-line model "flying saucer" sled. Seats
14 adults and 6 children comfortably for normal downhill use, and can
sleep 15 when used as the roof of an improvised shelter after your
whooping and hollering with joy starts an avalanche that traps your
party for days." :) :)

Michael A. Terrell

Don said:
Got Dish Network or DirectTV? If so, put the LNB from one of those units
in the focus, and aim it at your DirectTV/Dish bird to kiss *ALL*
worries of "rain fade" or other "not strong enough signal" type problems
a final good-bye.

A mesh dish is not suitable for KU band. If it was a perforated dish it
would work ok.

There were some audio only carriers on C-band. WSM was carried as a
subcarrier channel on CMTV, for example. If your receiver has tunable
audio, play with it. Otherwise find a ham who wants to play with moon

Ian Stirling

Chris said:
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anybody here knows on what to do with a old c band
dish? I was thinking of modifying it to do other task , other than
just collecting c band radio tv. I no longer use it for TV purposes
and it has been just sitting there for years. Its a large 12ft mesh
dish with a fully operational LNB and arm.

Free net access if there are any unsecured 802.11b nets within a few

Robert C Monsen

Chris said:
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anybody here knows on what to do with a old c band
dish? I was thinking of modifying it to do other task , other than
just collecting c band radio tv. I no longer use it for TV purposes
and it has been just sitting there for years. Its a large 12ft mesh
dish with a fully operational LNB and arm.

A bit of homebrew radio astronomy? Find that asteroid before it hits the
planet, and be famous (for a few days.)

You could also use it to listen in on your neighbors... or build one heckofa
wifi link.

Bob Monsen

Keith R. Williams

A bit of homebrew radio astronomy? Find that asteroid before it hits the
planet, and be famous (for a few days.)

If you find an asteroid on a 12' radio dish, don't bother turning
it in. You'll be able to see it first.
You could also use it to listen in on your neighbors... or build one heckofa
wifi link.

Your neighbor is NEWS2020?