Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Corrosion on Button Cell Batteries

A quick question on Button Cell Batteries. I have an application that uses 3 button cell batteries (LR44) in series. The product is a device that sees some heat and humidity, but overall is in standard, dry storage conditions. The product will sit on a shelf, is used for about 5 minutes, and is then thrown away. We are seeing a small percentage (<.1%) of the batteries that are leaking and corroding after 6 months. We are using a low cost battery supplier, and we have gone through a couple of different battery suppliers trying to find a higher quality battery at a price in our budget.

I am pretty sure the small percentage of corroded batteries is due to the quality of our battery (manufacturing, metal materials, seals, and separator materials). Will moving to a higher end manufacturer improve this issue, or is this percentage of failures always going to be there with the button cell batteries?

Harald Kapp

Welcome to EP.

I am pretty sure the small percentage of corroded batteries is due to the quality of our battery (manufacturing, metal materials, seals, and separator materials). Will moving to a higher end manufacturer improve this issue, or is this percentage of failures always going to be there with the button cell batteries?
I think you answered that question yourself. You get what you pay for. Especially under not optimal condictions (like humidity).
As the product is obviously for one time use only, putting it in a dry sealed package may help. Additionally you may check using one of those silica dry packs in addition to the sealed package. If your product is really price sensitive, you need to evaluate the costs of the different solutions - do not forget the loss in customer's trust when they repeatedly are confronted with the low quality of your product (the customers will not make a distinction between your own product and the batteries, trust me) and the cost possibly involved in shipping free replacements.
It may pay to invest up front in higher quality batteries or protective measures as lines out above.
Cheapies are probably alkaline type. Try silver oxide type.
Many have this same problem with the cheap lr44 fitted to digital vernier and silver oxide solves it.


Hop - AC8NS
You might consider packaging the batteries in a separate, transparent, sealed wrapper so the end-user can install them at the time of use. If any corrosion occurs, it will be immediately obvious before the three button cells are installed and then the whole package can be thrown away, or returned for a refund or replacement.