Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Converting Switch/Case statement in C to ASM?


Hop - AC8NS
Back in the day, I usually wrote 8085 assembly code and linked it in relocatable mode just because it made it easier to link modules that were more or less independent from each other. IIRC, it did complicate troubleshooting at the hardware level because the location of various parts of each module had to be determined from the offsets the linker created to download the code into EPROM. I think when I finished the project I set the linker to create absolute code for final burning of the EPROMs. One (perhaps the only) advantage of relocatable code is you can store assembled (relocatable) object files in a library as each module is completed, and then link them all together for the finished project. So far, PIC projects have been simple enough not to require this alleged "advantage".
Thanks for the responses guys. At this point, I would consider the advantages to be outside of my scope/skillset for programming.