Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Convert a 9 volt power adapter to a 6.5 volt

a cannot seem to find a 6.5 volt adapter to replace my busted one, so can i just lower the voltage of a 9 volt to one, if yes can someone guide me and the materials needed. thank you


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Neal is probably following the rule of thumb that a silicon diode will drop approximately 0.7V, so 5 will drop 3.5V, reducing a 9V power supply to 5.5V (OK his calculation was off a little)

3 or 4 diodes in series would be more appropriate.

It's not a really good solution since the forward voltage of a diode varies with current (especially significant at low currents).

The diode one might use depends on the current you require, but for less than 1A you could use 1N4001 diodes.

I can't guarantee that this will not damage your device.

I would recommend you find something with a voltage as close as possible to 6.5V.
use an lm317 regulator ,and connect a potentiometer to vary the output voltage setting it to 6.5 volts (do this method if you have a multimeter)

just google out lm317 , and check out the images , you should be able to find the circuit diagram

also the 5 diode solution given by neal was creative and strange ,the diodes that i have has a cutin voltage from 0.5 v to 0.7 v but it was worth a thought provided neal has got diodes which drops of 0.7 volts precisely , at a wide range of loads connected to it
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