I believe that John was merely pointing out in a nice, polite way that
your posts are flawed with very basic misconceptions - not just a
matter of small adjustments or component values. You should re-read
John's posts in that light, and/or consult a tutorial on opamp circuit
design. For this application, an inverting topology is wrong, and the
rest just makes it wronger. If you really want to use an opamp (eg if
a low-Z output is needed), and in the absence of any other
information, a more logical way to do it is as a simple buffer, eg
| \ |
| |\ |
+---|-\ |
| +---+--OUT
500 |/
| /
No, it will max out at Vcc.
Most of the current will flow to ground via the input R, not the
feedback R.
OK, we need the split the input current to avoid saturating the op-amp
too much. The values are just approxmation (in ratios), you have to
figure-out the exact values.
+------ 10K -----+
| |
| |\ |
| | \ |
IN----+------|- \----+---- OUT
| 1K | /
100 +------|+ /
| 1K | /
| | /
But this is not open-loop.
Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)