Maker Pro
Maker Pro

convert 4.7 volt to 1.5 volt DC

hi this is arul..
I need to convert the output of a nokia mobile charger(4.7 volt) to 1.5 volt or less.

is there any way to do this by simple components from household junk?
i have some s8550, lm358, small coils lot of resistors , a UPS circuit board,LEDs.
The voltage drop across a silicon diode is in theory .7volts. 2 of them in series would be
1.4 volts. I don't think a nokia charger puts out too much current so maybe try a couple rectifier diodes. 1N4001, 2, 3, etc. measure before you hook up your load.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You could use a LM317 adjustable regulator which will allow you to set the output voltage as low as 1.25V. The input current is the same as the output current and the extra voltage (* current) is dissipated as heat.