Maker Pro
Maker Pro

controller for uniblitz shutter

New to this forum!
I have this dream, but no skills or knowledge to realise it. Thought I might get some help here.

I wish to built a fast shutter into a photography lens. That on itself is a mechanical job, which needs carefull planning, but this is not what I want to ask here.

Here I hope to find a way to control the shutter in a way that cameras control a shutter. I mean with the options of different shutterspeeds. The reason why I want to use an external shutter is because of the shutter lag of a digital camera.
The shutter I want to use is an ultrafast Uniblitz (

Fotoopa has built such shutter in his extravagant insects-in-flight-taking-rig:
But I cannot figure out how he controls it. Anyway, I wouldn't be able to bult such a thing.

Would anybody give a suggestion of how to do this, in a way that I do not have to understand the circuits and difficult stuff?



hi welcome to the forums :)

buying one of those ready built shutter driver units would be your best bet
specially since you admit to no electronics skills

Thanks for your advise.
The thing is that the shutter will have to be triggered by an event, such as an insect passing an IR beam. The beam is broken and that must be a sign to open the shutter.

Developing a skill about he electronics needed here, is something I could do. Will that take years?

Anyway, I would still be happy with suggestions of how to solve this problem. What electronics do I need to control the shutter. I have a friend that might be able to do the work.



Developing a skill about he electronics needed here, is something I could do. Will that take years?

most likely ... yes
hence why I suggested to buy something already made
no point reinventing the wheel

Hi Dave,
I DO appreciate your concerns to prevent me losing myself in a labyrinth, but
It is not very motivating/stimulating for a potentially new member of your community.

Are there no others that would see my project as a challenge, even if only in theory?
I would be very greatful with any type of advise regarding the details of the materials needed.

Many thanks,


Hi Rob

It is not very motivating/stimulating for a potentially new member of your community.

well I can instead tell you how wonderful you are and that you are the best electronics guy on the planet and it will only take you a day or 2 to put something together .... if you really want me to

But you are going to be horribly disappointed when it doesn't happen

your response is like many that come onto these types of forums that have this commercial gadget that they think they can replicate it with a day's effort
they think throwing a battery and a few components together than they can reproduce anything .... electronics, or life, for that matter, doesn't work that way

If you really want to get into electronics, and that's awesome, I strongly encourage it!
You must learn to craw before you learn to run

We have a few guys on the forum that are way above even my abilities, when it comes to circuit design and they will be the first to tell you that it took years of study and basic experience to get to where they are today.

We here are all happy to help people learn, just don't expect to go from knowing nothing to building significant control circuits in a few weeks.
